Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lord of the Flies and Psychology Essay

William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, narrates the story of a group of English boys as they struggle to survive on an uncharted, uninhabited island. The boy’s airplane crashes into the island and kills any adults on board — leaving the boys to fend for themselves. Ralph and Piggy meet each other first and, upon Piggy’s counsel, Ralph decides to call a meeting of all the boys by blowing on a conch shell. The boys quickly begin to form a society in which they elect Ralph as their leader. A boy called Jack quietly disagrees and believes that he should lead the group. As times passes, Jack and his choir become hunters for the rest of the boys and they begin to enjoy the ways of a predator. As Jack grows more savage, he becomes unhappy with the way that Ralph leads the boys and decides that he will go to the other side of the island and start his own tribe. Boys slowly begin to leave Ralph to join Jack. The boys become so savage that they kill two boys and they plan to kill Ralph. Just as Jack has cornered Ralph, a naval officer appears and rescues them all. Golding depicts not only the struggle of the boys to survive, but also the psychological reasoning that leads the boys to abandon the civilized nature that they know. Through characterization and setting Golding creates in his novel, an ideal forum for validating psychological principles introduced by Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Jung. Sigmund Freud was a psychologist who pioneered the thought that the mind contains three different levels, the id, the ego, and the superego. The id bases itself on the pleasure principle; it meets basic needs. The id wants a quick satiation of needs and has no consideration for the reality of a situation. The ego bases itself on the reality principle, it understands that other people have needs and desires and that impulsiveness or selfishness can cause harm in the future. The ego meets the needs of the id, while taking the reality of the situation into consideration. The Superego develops due to the moral and ethical restraints placed on a child by influential adults in their lives. One could compare the superego to the conscience, as it dictates belief of right and wrong. Golding acknowledges these different states of consciousness within his novel by using characters to represent each one. For instance, Jack represents the id. Jack never takes into consideration the best thing for the group or himself in the long run and he holds himself accountable to no set of rules or any code of ethics. â€Å"Bollocks to the rules! We’re strong – we hunt! If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat and beat† (91). Jack addresses the issue of a beast believed to inhabit the island by filling his thirst for violence and neglecting to take into consideration that confronting a beast will most likely lead to danger. Jack’s reasoning involves selfish motives; he wants to get rid of the beast, he wants to kill, he does not care that he has potentially placed the others in a dangerous situation, nor does he realize the ludicrousness of the beast, Jack has neglected reality entirely. Piggy represents the ego. He constantly tries to reason with the other boys, when he and Ralph first meet, Piggy understands that the other boys also landed on the island and someone needs to find and help them. â€Å"We got to find the others. We got to do something† (14). Piggy also realizes that the boys will most likely stay on the island for a while before someone rescues them — if someone ever rescues them at all. Piggy understands the boys while staying in touch with reality and he knows that if he does not find the smaller boys and take care of them, they will die. Piggy comprehends the seriousness of their predicament and realizes what it will take to keep everyone in order and alive. Simon represents the superego because he adheres to the principles instilled in him by society and civilization. After Jack has killed a pig for the first time, he and his clan approach while chanting, Piggy whimpers and â€Å"Simon hushed him quickly as though he had spoken too loudly in church† (69). Simon’s conscience keeps Piggy in line even when dealing with savage Jack. Towards the end of the novel, the other boys savagely murder Simon; when the boys kill Simon they also kill their conscience, they kill the rules and implications set upon them in order to keep society civilized and from this point until the boys get rescued their savage nature completely takes over and nothing holds them back any longer. Alfred Adler believed that personality difficulties are rooted in a feeling of inferiority. He also believed that people focus on maintaining control over their lives. Golding shows these ideas in his novel. Piggy, Ralph, and Jack all have issues with inferiority and control, in some way each of them feels inferior and each them strives for control. The other boys consider Piggy substandard to them because physically he is not their equal, Piggy realizes that the other boys perceive him this way and tries to make up for it with his intellect and emphasis on the rules, which leads into Piggy’s control issue he tries to use control to counter act the feeling of being out-classed. Jack always strives for superiority, from the very beginning Jack feels that he should be chief instead of Ralph. Jack crumbles underneath his need to become more superior than Ralph and decides to takes control of his situation and forms his own tribe. Jack tries to control his life by getting his way and convincing other boys to get his way as well. Ralph fears inferiority, leadership thrusts itself upon Ralph but he holds his position in very high regard. As Ralph loses support from his tribe, he loses his superiority and he begins to lose faith in himself and become more nervous. Ralph does not like the loss of control in his tribe or in his life, the signal fire and getting the boys to help him make shelters was so important to him for this reason. Adler studied various types of people and he came to the conclusion that there are the four main types of people: The ruling type that tries to control others, the getting type that tends to go along with others ideas, the avoiding type that tries to isolate themselves to avoid defeat, the socially useful type that values having control over their lives and strive to do good things for the sake of society. Jack represents the ruling type with his demand that the boys do as he says â€Å"‘go on’ the two savages looked at each other, raised their spears together and spoke in time. ‘The chief has spoken’ â€Å"(141). Jack thrives off of ruling and absolute power. Sam and Eric fit into the category of the getting type, they tend to go along with and do what others tell them to do. Whenever Ralph is their chief they listen to him and go along with what he says, and then when Jack captures them and takes them to his tribe they adhere to his code and do what he says. Sam and Eric follow — they do not contribute to creative thought but they willingly take part in its aftermath. Simon represents the avoiding type, he largely keeps to himself, and he goes and finds a secret place where he can sit alone in the quiet with his thoughts. Ralph represents the socially useful type, he likes to have control of the boys but, unlike Jack he wants them to do things for the betterment of the group. Adler’s ideas come to life in Golding’s Lord of the Flies. Psychologist Carl Jung believed that symbol creation was a key in understanding human nature. Symbols express something essentially unknown in the best way possible. The boys in Lord of the Flies create a symbol for their fear, at times the boys feel afraid and they cannot exactly express why. The boys create the symbol of the beast because they cannot touch or see their fear and so they imagine a beast that they could touch and see. Whenever Simon recognizes that the thing to fear lies within the boys he also creates a symbol, the Lord of the flies. Jung also believed that the introvert and the extrovert make up the main components of personality. The introvert, like Simon, tends to keep to themselves, and find more interest in ideas than in people. â€Å"Simon paused. He looked over his shoulder as jack had done at the close ways behind him and glanced quickly around to confirm that he was utterly alone† (56). The extrovert however, is outgoing and socially oriented. Both Jack and Piggy fit the description of extroverts because, they both freely express their ideas and long for others to hear and admire them. According to Jung a person that has a healthy personality can realize these opposite tendencies and can express each. Ralph most closely adheres to Jung’s theory about healthy personality. Ralph has a need for socialization but, he also knows when he needs time for reflection and thought, many times Ralph wishes that he had time to gather his thoughts before he had to go and present them in front of the rest of the tribe. When reading Lord of the Flies some readers may miss the latent meaning and only focus on the manifest. Readers who do not take in deeper psychological nature of the novel would attribute the boy’s different reaction to the island, to differences in personality and background instead of the boys taking on the image of the different levels of consciousness. This reader might think that they could not keep order simply because they are just young boys when their real motives were their subconscious need for superiority. The entire novel deals with the psychological principles set forth by Freud, Adler, and Jung; it could be considered a case study that verifies the very things that these psychologists believed.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Generation X by Douglas Coupland Essay

Generation X was Coupland’S controversial title which was derived from the work of Paul Fusell, category X in 1983. In his interview in 1995 Coupland explained that Fusell’s classification of X category were people who circulated in rounds of money, status and social climbing that describe the modern existence. But looking at the Coupland’s novel, it is very different from Fusell’s work. The people he is referring to as generation X are the people born after 1960. The whole novel rotates around the contemporary society issues: love intrigues, adventure, friendship among other themes (Reed). These themes are not new since they existed even in during the times of great philosophers. It is for this reason that I think Marx, Durkheim, and Weber apply to the Coupland’s novel, generation X. Although the novel reveals a lot of friendship and love between some characters there is an aspect of social deviance developing between the modern generation and the past. Emile Durkheim is perhaps the most popular in the field of deviance and his ideas are therefore applicable in this novel. In his argument in the division of society (Huang 63), Durkheim says that differences in a collective society and deviant society contribute to the basis of theoretical framework which outlines reasons as to why people violate norms. On the other hand, his appreciation that deviance in most cases enhances social cohesion provides foundation for theories that examines why deviant labeling occur (62). During the 1995 interview (Reed 3rd par), Coupland on his side revealed that his novel wondered why his generation is being labeled as members of baby boomer when they are capable of thinking by themselves. The idea of social differentiation also seems to crop up in the novel (Coupland 67) hence bringing the three philosophers closer to the novel. In the novel, there are several generation; the first one is the older generation of Mr. and Mrs. Mcarthur, second is the generation X where Andy, Claire and Dag belongs and finally the generation Y for Tyler who is Andy’s younger brother . According to Durkheim, social differentiation contributes not only to deviant conduct but also deviant labeling in more differentiated societies (Schmaus 56). In the novel, which represents the contemporary society, this deviance conduct and labeling is witnessed throughout the novel. The members of older generational view those of generational X and generation Y as some how spoiled and refer to them as global teens (Coupland 48). In his theory about the relationship between the society and individuals, Karl Marx noted that the society is highly stratified because the people who worked the hardest were also the people who received the least as the fruits of their labor (Shlomo 152). Like in the novel, Karl Marx looked forward to a society that accounted for social change. Although Coupland and Karl Max talks of classes of people, the two fail to agree in their classification. Karl Max concentrated on the Proteliant or the majority in the society and the Bourgeois who are the minority. He argues that the former live in substandard living condition while the later have all that life have to offer (Shlomo 160). Coupland classes of people in the society are the older generation and the younger generation. However, like what is contained in Karl Marx ideas, the young generation belongs to the marginalized group with lousy jobs while the old generation view themselves as the think tanks and the wisest. The young characters in the novel try to pull themselves from the characters that belong to the past. Dag’s love interest for example always find herself looked up in the past without realizing what is happening in the modern world. Like the rest, Weber in his work analyses the modern society (Burris 122). He discusses the concept of bureaucracies which according to him is the foundation of social stabilization, cultural symbols and channel of good and services to the modern society (132). He points out that it is the charismatic ideas and not old ideas that change the society (133). But, Marx Weber also brings in a very interesting contribution to the novel, the issue of love and friendship. Weber controversial love life seems close to what was happening in the Coupland (56, 74,132). In his bachelorhood he developed a romantic interest with his cousin Emmy Baumagarten who lived in Strasbourg (Hoenisch 1st par). Weber’s love for Emmerling as he used to call her darling continued for more than eight years despite opposition from both families. During this time their love emotions were bulging with a series of letters and spent several days of their sweet closeness in poetry of string (3rd par). It was in 1887 in his second military as a reserve officer in Strasbourg that Weber had an amorous but not sexual encounter with Emmy (7th par). According to the novel, there exist a very big difference in perception of ideas between the old generation and the modern generation. The difference which is a source of conflict between the generations is what links the three philosophers to the novel. The questions raised in the novel are both relevant and applicable to the contemporary social life but at the same time they refer to classical sociological theories of the â€Å"primitive† generation. It is clear from the novel that each generation is faced by its unique problems which can be solved only by that particular generation alone. It is important to point out that in the increasing globalization and industrialization world of the 21st century the economical, political and sociological landscape is likely to suffer from deepening and widening class struggle. Whether primitive, revolutionary or reformist, the old generation feels obliged to address this issue. Ultimately, Weber, Marx and Durkheim each provided conflicting accounts regarding the ways in which the urban societies of their time was deficient, and what was required to fix it (Schmaus 74). The younger cannot bear the consequences of ignoring the wise ideas the old and it is therefore necessary to embrace unity in diversity while handling societal problems aiming at acquiring necessary social change and stability. References Burris, V. The Neo-Marxist blend of Marx and Weber on Class in: Norbert Wiley (Ed. ), The Marx-Weber dispute. Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications, 1997. Coupland, D. Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. Canada: St. Martin’s Press, March 15, 1991 Hoenisch, S. Max Weber’s personal life 1886-1893. 1995. November 27, 2008. Huang, W. S. â€Å"Durkheim’s rules of sociological method. † Journal for offender therapy & comparative crime, (2004): 63-75,. Reed, J. 2001. Generation X: tales for an accelerated culture by Douglas Coupland. Shlomo, A. The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx. Cambridge: University Press, 2001. Schmaus, W. â€Å"Explanation and real meaning in Rules of sociological method and ‘division Of labor in society. † Journal Of Sociological Perspectives Spring, (1995): 57-76,. .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysing Economic Growth In Malaysia

Analysing Economic Growth In Malaysia Malaysia is a growing and relatively open economy. Three years ago, according to the World Bank (2007), the economy of Malaysia was the 29th largest economy in the world by purchasing power parity with gross domestic product estimated to be $357.9 billion for the particular year. By referring to the economy of the country, we can evoke that during the following long and severe period of recession, the Malaysian economy has started to grow through the interference of a relaxed monetary and fiscal policies and a high export demand in the electronics sector in particular. Despite the fact that the world economic slowdown was more accentuated than expected and the unprecedented events of September 11 in the US had affected all economies, Malaysia on the other hand was able to maneuver itself in a particular way from a major economic contraction and GDP growth for the year remained in positive territory. Nonethless, Rani (2007) stated that Malaysia has a coherent economic growth record i n GDP over the period 1970-2005. The author added that the economic growth record in GDP was in average 7 per cent at an annual rate. Such rate is characterized by the externalities which influence from time to time such as the oil crises of the 1970s, the downturn in the electronics industry in the mid 1980s, and definitely the Asian financial crisis of 1997. In addition, though given the openness of its economy, Malaysia was not spared from the negative effects of the United States economic slowdown. These effects were in the form of declining manufacturing production and negative export growth. In order to remedy the situation, the Malaysian government’s initiation of strong monetary and fiscal policies to stimulate economic growth through increasing activities related to domestic economy and decreasing the over-dependence on exports helped the nation to sustain a positive real GDP growth. Despite this, the MMoF (Malaysian Ministry of Finance) (2006) revealed that the stan dards of living of the majority of the population were transformed over the 30-year period with the level of GDP per capita in 2000 being about four times that of 1970. In other words, it can be quoted from the ministry that the boom in the economy went uninterrupted for almost a decade (1988-1996 with respective growths of 7 and 10 percent per annum). The ministry added that the main source of growth was the manufacturing sector whose share of GDP increased to 31.4 percent in 2005. One emmerging point highlighted Barlow (2001) is that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has been a key driver underlying the strong growth performance experienced by the Malaysian economy. Overview of the Malaysian Economic Growth and Developemnt Malasyia four almost forty years and through the World Bank’s countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ classification system was as a middleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ income country. From then, the country had carried oenjoying a relative prosperity translated initially as a commodity ex porter of rubber, tin, then palm oil and petroleum which generated a total income of between 6 to 7 percent each year from 1970 until 2000. Athukorala, (2001) portrayed that the number of poor persons known as those consuming less than the purchasing power parity US$1 per day metric has fallen to fewer than a million, or 3.9 percent of the population of 26.2 million people (compared to about half of the population in 1970).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Goals - Essay Example There is something strongly helpful in writing one’s goals. It does not simply help an individual to remember his goals but it also aids in his focus towards his visions. Having pointed that out, it is my desire to do the same, to write my life goals, understanding as Goddard did, that I have also my limitations which can only be minimized by focusing on the goals that I set for myself. As Goddard said, â€Å"I set up a blueprint of goals so that I would always have something to work for† (22). Due to the limitation of space, I will discuss only four of my most important goals which include my aim to get into the soccer team this year, travel all of the 50 states of America, complete my college education in two years instead of three and to establish my own business company that I will expand to other countries. One of my passions is sports and so it would really be a good thing if I can become a part of the soccer team in school this year. Team sport does not simply help me physically but also mentally and socially. Therefore, I plan to stay fit and competitive in the field of soccer so I would be able to achieve this goal. I will exercise at least two hours a day, concentrating more on improving my agility and endurance because I believe these are important qualities for a soccer player. Of course it is also a part of my duty to have good grades so that I will not be disqualified due to academic incompetence. Thus, I need to concentrate also in my studies, submit all necessary requirements on time and read a lot. As I continue to exercise my brain and body, I will enlist in the soccer team and practice well with the team to ensure my entry. I plan not to miss any practices because I believe that every meeting is important and there are always new things or insights that I could learn from the coach and the other players. Since I have other goals in mind, I want to achieve this goal this year. As a student of Business Administration, my eyes are set on

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


ANALYSIS OF TWO OPPOSITE LEGAL OPINIONS (FATWAS) ON THE SAME ISSUE - Essay Example 15) presented to them for clarification by the faithful. Ali Khan (2006a, p. 202) refer to them as scholarly decrees which may have substantial explanations and reasoning behind them or be simply statements addressing the issue at hand (Cornell 2007, p. 154) as opinions. Cornell avers that such scholars extract their verdicts from the Quran, the Sunnah which is anything approved of by Prophet Mohammad, through creation of consensus among themselves or through the use of Ijtihad, which basically means personal, logical reasoning on the part of a scholar. Often times, different fatwas are issued on the same topic. The explanation for this may be that the each of the fatwas is offered with regard to different geographical or historical settings (Khan 2006b, p. 16). Christian Snouck (quoted in Petersen 1997, p. 11) asserts that another cause of the contradictions in fatwas is fictitious verdicts that are not requested by the laity addressing invented questions, mostly issued for rivalry purposes as illustrated abundance of various ideological standpoints in the twentieth century (Petersen 1997, p. 28). Notwithstanding the context, only one ruling can be right at a time (Khan 2006b, p. 17). In line with this argument, Dr. Sano Koutoub Moustapha (Different Fatwas, 2015), responding to a query on handling contradictory rulings, finds that differences are normal since scholars have differing methodology and principles. He notes that Islam does not compel following of Ijtihad, but that fatwas must be issued by qualified scholars. Muslims are allowed to choose opinions pertinent to them, with stronger foundations or exercise their own judgement. According to Dr. Moustapha, all verdicts are acceptable (Different Fatwas, 2015). Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid reiterates that only knowledgeable persons can give fatwas which should be based on a proper evidential foundation ( 2015). It is well established that some foods, for instance,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Home Visit Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Home Visit Assignment - Essay Example However, her parents admitted to Kyreni having become extremely bossy and temperamental often using sign language to communicate or otherwise when speaking, switching between her native Spanish to English. It seems that Kyreni is showing signs of jealousy towards her younger brother James and has resorted to various methods of communication in order to obtain her parents’ attention. She often resorts to crying where Reyna is forced to ignore the baby and tend to Kyreni in order to make her stop misbehaving. Both Reyna and Jason are devoted and loving parents, providing them with care and support. The have a healthy and learning environment, with plenty of healthy activities for Kyreni to participate in, like educational toys and books. Although, the parent’s relationship with the two kids is strong, I feel that they are still lacking a certain amount of organization and involvement. Due to the second baby, both parents find little time to play with Kyreni and be involve d in her activities. They feel that the only time they can actually communicate with her effectively, is during the short and brief time they can spare to play with her. This might be the only time Kyreni feels comfortable and happy. The short time she has to play with her parents allows her to feel tat they have finally come to her level and treating her as an individual. This feeling of not being thrown in the same category as her younger brother brings about a positive change in her behavior and attitude. She is, for the duration of play time, able to cope with her emotions and actively mingle with her parents knowing that for the moment she has her parents’ undivided attention. Even though, parents always love their children, they still need to provide a separate and special bonding time with each of their children to help them get a sense of their unique and individual relationship with their parents. At a young age, like Kyreni’s, children are unable to develop a sense of perspective. It is like first learning to drive a car, the slightest deviation from the road or straight line, causes one to panic and be unsure of the world around them. Similarly, children having to deal with jealousy and anger need adults to provide them with as sense of direction and healthy ways of coping with these new and undiscovered emotions. Jealousy is of course a natural feeling and it can’t be completely erased but its experience can be minimized and dealt with effectively. Although, Reyna and Jason displayed a lot of love and care towards their children, there was still a certain amount of organization lacking. This was largely due to the fact that Reyna’s mother is visiting. The parents admitted that they always lacked routines and weren’t good at scheduling, but their day was still a bit more structured before Reyna’s mother visiting. They have adhered to the little routines with Kyreni such as brushing her teeth, reading/singing to her before bedtime and giving her back rubs if she demands them. However, her nap schedule is really off and only takes them when she feels like it. It is really important to provide growing children with routines in order to facilitate a safe, regular and organized physical environment. Having routines and fixed schedules helps children to feel secure and comforted. By

489 assignment 8 #1 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

489 8 #1 - Assignment Example Metacognition is fundamentally being aware, as well as being in a position to understand your own thinking process. This is why it is my preferred learning strategy, as it provides a learner the opportunity to explore the spectrum of understanding the different perspectives and perceptions of an idea by having an opportunity to critique his/her own thinking, as well as that of others. This method has the capability to facilitate efficient acquisition, storage, as well as expression of technical information and skills (Fisher & Wells, 2009). Another major reason why I believe I would learn better using this strategy is that it is friendly, especially to people with memory problems. The ability to think about one’s own thinking process gives them an opportunity to retrieve the important information they learnt from memory. Learning using this strategy also facilitates independence from teacher support. This way, I can be in the best position to learn, with, or without the direct help of the teacher. I believe that the best learning strategy is one that facilitates a continuous learning process, even where there is minimal support from

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Oral History Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Oral History - Term Paper Example After Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait on august 2nd 1990, the United Nations Security Council responded by calling for Iraq’s withdrawal from Kuwait on August 3rd. After Iraq had failed to comply with the United Nation’s Security Council directives, the board responded on august 6 the same year through imposing a worldwide ban relating to trade with Iraq. Iraq failed to relent on its objective or hinder to the warnings imposed and on august 8, the same year, it formally annexed Kuwait. The invasion of Iraq and subsequent threat it posed Saudi Arabia, considering it as the world largest oil producer, prompted the United States (U.S) as well as western European allies to send troops to Saudi Arabia with an aim of deterring any possible attack. Other Arab nations among them Egypt, contributed by sending forces to the region. The military build up gained from the U.S, its western allies and other countries won a name operation desert shield (Gregory, 2010). After these cou ntries had ganged to defend other nations from the arrogant behaviours shown by Iraq, Iraq strengthened its military base in Kuwait through increasing the number of military to almost thirty thousand troops. The UN Security Council declared an offensive action against Iraq on 29th November if Iraq will not withdraw its forces from Kuwait by mid-January 1991. On 16nth January, 1991, the allied forces began a military offensive against Iraq with the U.S leading a massive air campaign that lasted throughout the war. Continued attacks remained the order of the day with sustained aerial bombardments regarded as Operation Desert Storm. Within the first few weeks, the aerial attacks and adequate ground cover became successful in destroying Iraq’s air defences and consequently launching attacks on communications networks, weapon plants and government offices among other essential structures of the Iraq’s government. By mid-February, the focus of the attacks

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Global Warming Crisis Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Global Warming Crisis - Thesis Example Trees absorb CO2 and when they die, CO2 is restored to the atmosphere.   The clearing of forests by mass burning, which is happening at a phenomenal rate in the tropical rain forests, is decreasing the amount of CO2 that is absorbed and increasing the amount that is added to the atmosphere.   CO2 supplies about half of the total gases that create the greenhouse effect (Breuer, 1980).   Although deforestation is contributing heavily to the excess of CO2 in the atmosphere, a larger portion is caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as oil and coal.   Fossil fuels are burned by factories, vehicles and electricity-producing power plants to name a few sources.   Other greenhouse gases include methane, which is released when vegetation is burned during land clearing, during oil exploration activities and the coal-mining process; chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which is the substance that cools refrigerators and provides the propulsion in aerosol cans and nitrous oxide (N2O) which is the lesser cause of CO2.   It is generated from both man-made and natural processes.   It is estimated that man-made influences represent about half of the CO2 output. As the balance between the CO2 levels in the ocean and atmosphere is disturbed by interjecting increasing amounts of CO2, the oceans will continually absorb higher concentrations than it does naturally.   The subsequent warming ocean waters are less effective in their ability to absorb CO2.   When the oceans can no longer keep pace with the intrusion of this naturally equalized cycle then more CO2 will remain in the atmosphere.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Labor Unions Power, Past and Present Research Proposal

Labor Unions Power, Past and Present - Research Proposal Example This observation is illustrated by many critics amid facts that American educational system is ailing and in serious crisis. Researcher will review studies on labor union and contextualized it with a specific high school in San Antonio, Texas. It will also delve how union affected the group of teachers that are affiliated with Reserve Training center as well as propose how to strategize teachers’ union performance to optimize its roles, values, and morals toward genuine education development to partly contribute in resolving the national crisis in education. Researcher will make use of narrative and positivist interpretivism in unraveling the issue at hand using secondary resources from journals, books and online websites. Towards the end, the researcher will also present some recommendations relating to teachers’ union performance management to uphold quality education. In so doing, researcher will also take into account opinions of staunch critics of the labor union w hich perceived teachers union as monolithic for espousing self-interest and thus they advocated about improving the educational system by relinquishing it from the reign of teachers’ union control (Moe, 2006). ... In 1885 to 1886, municipal legislation for labor rights was seriously considered by lawmakers. Their first raging demand was to enjoy an 8-hour job and just compensation. The achievement of major feat is commemorated annually in Labor Day celebration as tribute for those who have contributed for the well-being of American laborers (Isaac and Griffin, 1989). Many of these rights and welfare of century of struggles are now reflected in the annals of legislation and state policies relating to labor. The labor laws basically aimed at affording protection to workers’ full employment and equal opportunities regardless of sex, race and creed as well as provide regulation of employee and workers relations. After centuries of struggle, labor forces recently are increasingly concern on protecting their rights either founded on constitutional principles, ideological influence or institutional motivations. This is because the country, which has evolved into a multi-ethnic and multicultura l nation, is molded with social structures and practices that are sometimes contrary to workers’ rights or are threatening its welfare. As the civilization evolved, economic borders expand and system complicates, there are historical conjectures which polarized labor union movement and consequentially resulted to emergence of new alliances. This implies serious understanding about the motivations that caused division: self-interest, institutional, or by principles. Some sociologist perceived that although there were leaders of federation of union that are either ideologically and were equipped with organizational expansion but whose management were

Thursday, August 22, 2019

How Literature Reflects Communities Essay Example for Free

How Literature Reflects Communities Essay Authors have historically used various literary works to reflect the societies in which their live. To this end, the actions of characters in literary works reflect existing social concepts whereas the surrounding society’s behavior mirrors on specific characters’ behaviors. In essence, societies and communities are normally depicted as mutually affecting each other. Notable cases of literary works in which such reciprocal interaction is demonstrated are the three short stories namely: William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily; Flannery OConnor’s Good Country People; and Toni Cade Bambara’s The Lesson. To illustrate, through his A Rose for Emily story, Faulkner describes Emily Grierson as being negatively affected by her surrounding society. In turn, Emily’s actions negatively impact of her compatriots. Likewise, through the Good Country People story, OConnor describes the character named Joy Hopewell as negatively impacting on the people around her. Consecutively, the society in which Hopewell lives demonstrates an attitude that negatively affects her. In a similar version, Toni Cade Bambara’s The Lesson story illustrates the character called Miss Moore being negatively affected by her surrounding society. In response, Miss Moore demonstrates behaviors and attitudes that negatively impact on her compatriots. All in all, OConnor through Good Country People Faulkner through A Rose for Emily – as well as Bambara – through The Lesson short stories describe their protagonists as reciprocally affecting and being affected by their societies in a negative way. For example, in Bambara’s The Lesson story, Miss Moore’s condescending opinion towards her compatriots especially the children with which she spends most of her time attracts disproval from the surrounding community. Consequently, both the children as well as the adults disrespect Miss Moore. For instance, Bambara notes that ‘the grown-ups (talk) †¦.. when †¦. behind her back like a dog,’ thus showing utter disrespect for Miss Moore (). Moore’s irritatingly patronizing nature is evident when she ‘looks at’ her students ‘ like she readin tea leaves’ (). The author thus presents a picture of an individual and the surrounding society mutually affecting each other in a negative manner. Likewise, through the A Rose for Emily story, Faulkner shows that Emily’s unbecoming behavior invites rude responses from her compatriots. For instance, Emily demonstrates impoliteness when she demonstrates stubbornness towards her society’s pleas that she pays taxes. She even firmly removes the society’s representatives from her house. Abruptly summoning Tobe her manservant Emily instructs him to ‘Show these gentlemen out’ (). In reaction, the society demonstrates indifference towards her as is evident from the narrator’s assertions that the society does not know of Emily’s sickness. To this end, the narrator remarks ‘We did not even know she was sick’ (). Similarly, through his Good Country People story, OConnor depicts Joy Hopewell as a character who demonstrates haughtiness towards her compatriots notably Mrs. Freeman and Hopewell ‘s mother the result being that she becomes painfully alienated from her society. For example, because she is educated , Hopewell mocks all people around her as is evident from her remark that her mother is ‘bloated, rude, and squint-eyed’ (). In reaction, society alienates Hopewell , thus making her to beg her mother to wholesomely accept her. A deeply remorseful Hopewell cries out to the mother saying ‘like I am’ take me (). In conclusion, the issue of individuals negatively reacting with their surrounding communities is clearly evident through the 3 stories, Good Country People, The Lesson, as well as A Rose for Emily. Good Country People’s Hopewell suffers segregation due to her arrogant attitude towards her compatriots. Likewise, A Rose for Emily’s Emily suffers segregation due to her condescending view of her society. Lastly, The Lesson’s Miss Moore’s is disrespected by society owing to her attitude of viewing her compatriots as being unknowledgeable.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sexual behavior Essay Example for Free

Sexual behavior Essay Many do not know that as a child is growing up they have normal childhood sexual behaviors even as a baby. Today we are going to discuss the different stages of childhood sexual behaviors. Â  The first stage that will be discussed is infancy(0-2). Young infants discover the joys of self- stimulation. Many can see that as they change their baby or maybe washing a baby that when the wash the genital area the baby will either laugh or smile with enjoyment. This is actually very normal to happen. Young babies may also begin to do a pelvis thrust which has been observed with infants of the monkey and ape species and has also been observed in humans. It has been noted that baby boys as young as 5 months can so behaviors that resemble an orgasm and females are able to have behaviors the resemble an orgasm as young as 4 months. It has also been stated that children will begin to masturbate as early has 5 months. The next stage that will be discussed is early childhood (3-8). When it comes to the data on children and their sexual behavior it is mostly all a speculation because not many want to talk about their children and their sexual behavior or just that they may not see certain things as sexual behavior. One study that was done was with question mother of over 1,000 children and question like does your child masturbate was not asked more question such as does you r child does private area when they are home is asked. The study showed that about 42% of boys touch or try to touch breast and for girl the percentage is about 43%. About 60% of boys touch privates when at home and about 43% females. Then about 26% of boys try to look at people when they are either nude or undressing and also about 26% for females. The next stage is preadolescence (9-13). A report that was done around the 1950s by Kinsey and his colleague’s states that masturbation is the main source for sexual orgasm at the preadolescence stage for females and males. The study states that about 51% of males and 15% of females have masturbated by the age of 13. Also this is the stage that sexual education is being learned. Many times when asking one where they have learned information about sex from they would state that it was from their friends or from a media source. The next stage that will be discussed is adolescence. In the stage of adolescence come puberty and with puberty there comes a change of hormones and hormone levels that causes one to want to be more sexual active. Also at this stage one is trying to discover what their sexual orientation is. As growing up we are able to see what sex one is attracted to and what to do more things with. Here is the stage where many will engage in sexual intercourse and the risk of getting STI’s and pregnant becomes greater.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Assessment Centres: Advantages and Disadvantages

Assessment Centres: Advantages and Disadvantages Assessment centres were introduced at the middle of the 20th century. It also gives the idea and use of assessment centre. It uses to check the ability and skills of the employees. History of assessment centres explore, how and why assessment centres help us to appreciate, what the original user were trying to get and how can be assessed the skills, attitudes, personal skills and abilities as well as knowledge of the participants with the help of interview, exercises and leading practice. Basically, the origin of assessment centres started for the selection of the soldier in the Germany. That time there was a great frustration between the boundaries of the countries due to the atmosphere of the war, and every country wanted to get Prestige on the other countries. So, assessment centres used to check the ability and quality of the employees, and referred the position according to his knowledge and capabilities. We can be seen certain example throughout the history. Germany used to check the ability and performance to select the officers. In the book Spies and Saboteurs, by Dr W.J.Morgan (1955, London Victor Gollancz Ltd), the author describe how a German psychologist, Dr Simoneit watched officer performing a variety of tasks. The duties of assessment centres were to check the abilities thorough different implications of test and exercises. It also checked the rate and standard of the officers and according to this, the promotions have been announced by the army. This process had been started because; it showed the performance and their promotions. It also explored the certain reasons, why certain offices did not reveal or proceed in the way. They would have been promoted once. After this, the assessment centres emerged from Germany to USA. USA was one of the fast growing economies and USA used to judge the ability of the spy. It also used select the officers for intelligence. For checking of mental ability of officers they used further research of psychological and scientific method had been to add the work by assessment centres. The concept of assessment centres populated in different economy from one side of the world to another part of the world. British Government checks the qualities of on board selection committee and testing method. British government added more tests and exercises analysing the capability, British were pioneers to add the physical and psychological tests during an interviews and selections for employees. Dr WJ Morgan illustrates that it is how you performed your tasks, whether as an individual or within a group, that matters not how quickly an exercise was done. With the passage of the time, it growth and, different business have been adopted by different countries. Then most businesses used the assessment centres to assessing the hold jobs to employees. But sometimes man has more ability but at the position sometimes, it can be showed by an organisation. In this matter the assessment centres help the organisation as well as to emerged the capabilities of the employees and the employees have better opportunities to do best. It is right that an assessment centres started for militaries bias to check the abilities but now it very common in between every aspect of the life such as businesses and other public service as well. Now in this era, there is a great competition in the world, so, it is not easy task to check the capabilities of any employees. So in this matter assessment centres is helpful to check the abilities and capabilities through the interviews and exercises the personality of the employees. ( INTRODUCTION OF ASSESSMENT CENTERS: An Assessment Centres does not refer to a location, DEFINE ASSESSMENT CENTERS : It can be usefully defined as A method for assessing aptitude and performance; applied to a group of participants by trained assessors using various aptitude diagnostic processes in order to obtain information about applicants abilities or development potential. Assessment Centres are mostly utilized in the initial stages of the selection process; this is due large amount of time and expenditure involved in it. This is followed by initial job interview. Assessment centres involve assembling in one place several candidates who applying for the same position and putting them through a variety of different tests. They can be operated over one day, but usually involve an overnight stay. Assessment Centres are seen as one of the most effective ways of identifying top candidates wholl get on well with others and fit in with the organizations culture. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Developments Recruitment, Retention and Turnover 2009 Survey, 34% of employers now use assessment Centres when recruiting managers, professionals and graduates. ( IMPLEMENTATION OF ASSESSMENT CENTERS: Implementation of assessment centres should be carried out properly. When the structure and content of the assessment centre have been established, the issues involved are organising, managing and giving proper direction. The assessment centres should have a range of activities that allow candidates to demonstrate teach competency more than once during the course of the centre. The range of activities should considered exercises that sample job content and mirror real-life situations. The assessment centres should have different department heads which can manage too many candidates or too many exercises and maintain a sensible ratio of assessors to candidates. The assessment centres should have proper clear goal in mind so that they achieve the success. Adopt a competency-based approach with assessment criteria appropriate to the target role. Training is necessary for assessors in technical areas, such as observation and interview techniques, and raises their awareness of diversity issues. Feedback should be given to both the successful as well as unsuccessful candidates. The assessment centres activities should regularly refresh to avoid over-familiarity on the part of candidates and assessors. DESIGN OF A SUCCESSFUL ASSESSMENT CENTER: The successful assessment centre is well defined on how well it has been designed. Before designing its best to review the nature and purpose of an assessment centre. The important feature is to consider the skills and abilities assessed are actually relevant to the job in question. An assessment centre is a step further in selection procedure, it is held either on employers premises or in a hotel, which normally lasts one or two days. The process which usually involves in designing is as follows: While designing the assessment centre the time duration of the centre is taken into consideration. For instance, for senior most people, one day might not be sufficient. The second most important criteria is the location of the assessment centre, which deals with the proper surroundings and accessibility for candidates. Create a Task list and match with roles and goals given by the company. Create a questionnaire related to the task list. Use the competencies well through knowledge and skills. DIFFERENT TYPES OF COMPETENCIES: Different competencies generally are developed as framework to be used as a reference or resource. The purpose of the resources database is to assist users to identify the many existing competency-based resources currently in use. The database is not exhaustive, but contains numerous examples of the resources that were tapped to identify competencies in the development of the high growth industries. A competency is demonstrated or mastered in a job and can be easily transferred to another job. These resources generally contain descriptive information about the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for success in the field. Managerial Competencies: The competencies which are considered to be important for staff with managerial or supervisory responsibility with sizeable budget to manage, which includes directors and senior posts. Some managerial competencies could be more relevant for specific fields; however they are applied in the organization. These competencies include: 1) Team leadership 2) Change management 3) Analysis and decision-making. 4) Interpersonal sensitivity. Technical/ Functional Competencies: Some specific competencies which are taken into consideration to perform any job in the organisation within a defined technical or functional area of work. Those competencies are as follows: 1) Industrial process sectors. 2) Finance and administration 3) Human resource management and environmental management. Generic Competencies: Competencies which are considered essential for all staff, regardless of their function or level include: 1) Communication programme execution. 2) Processing tools. 3) Business awareness. 4) Achievement and motivation. STEPS INVOLVED FOR SUCCESSFUL ASSESSMENT CENTRE: The assessment centre should be very clear about the objectives. They should have a proper planning and organising of all the departments which are involved with them for two or three days. The assessor should look for different competencies which are being evaluated in the assessment centre. When the assessor is assessing the candidates working environment is taken into consideration. The assessment centres should be well known for their good and different variety of exercise so that the candidates feel motivated. The vital step involved for successful assessment centre is giving feedback to everybody. Successful as well as those candidates who did not get selected. MAIN ELEMENTS OF ASSEMENTS CENTERS: Elements of assessment centres are used in anglicising and zeroing in on relevant behaviours to be assessed and evaluated. The assessment centre use different exercises and techniques to select or assess the candidates. The assessor carefully examines the candidates while the candidates are doing exercises, on the bases of performance the candidate which has potential or capable for the job they got selected. The assessors who are selected for conducting interview they are trained, the assessor must be external of the organisation or the organisation needs to hire them or it should be from organisation itself like the HR managers. The assessor observes the candidates and records the observed behaviour of the participants. The assessment centre does job analyses before conducting interviews. There are seven important element of the assessment centre: PRESENTATION: In the interview process this is the most important exercise because the assessor or the management team will assess the candidates, in this exercise the candidate gets a topic and they have to prepare that topic in specific time and that topics are highly job specific. The candidates shows their communication skills, problem solving skills, and confidence level, how they interact with the assessor. GROUP INTERVIEWS: The purpose of the group interview in the assessment centre exercises is to observe candidates interpersonal skills and personality when he or she is working with other people in a group. After the group interview, the assessors reduced the number of candidates and one-on- one interview is set up. The important employers working in organisation can check the candidates interactions with other people. In the group interview the employees give the candidates a task to solve hypothetical problems in order to work in a group. 3) IN-TRAY EXERCISES: In this kind of exercises the employers involves the candidates in some paperwork from the role in question and asking them to deal with it. The in-tray exercise items will be specifically designed to measure job skills such as: ability to organise and prioritize work; analytically skills, written communication skills, and their delegation. In-tray exercise are the most vital components of assessment centres, not only because of variety of skills, attitudes and knowledge can be judged but because this exercise also has considerable face validity. In this way the candidate can see how it relates to the job they are applying for and therefore they tend to take it seriously. 4) ROLE-PLAYS: Role play is a type of assessment centre exercise which offers a chance to place candidates in the kind of situation. In role play the candidates get the role of employee who has to resolve the problems of the customer. In this exercise the management team assess the candidates who have problem solving skills and see that how they communicate in that situation and how they can handle. The assessor usually plays the role of the customer and the candidates play the role of the employee. 5) PSYCHOMETRIC EXERCISE: Psychometric test assess the ability and personality test, the assessment centre hire the professional assessor it is expensive. The external assessor are qualified, they can manage the recruitment process, interpret results and give feedback to the candidates so they can know about their strength and their weakness. The two types of psychometric tests: ABILITY TEST: The rough ability test, it can be checked that and purified the ability of the employees by assessment centres. It is also helpful to check the skills and ability for the vacancy. Ability testing is a very common and effective selection tool, particularly for identifying unsuitable candidates. PERSONALITY TEST: The personality assessment provides the evidences and direct selection process. It also highlights the area where candidate can work. Personality assessment also provides the opportunity to glimpse in the candidates personality during the interview. Personal questionnaire is important to provide feedback for candidates as well as it also helps to understand the personal profile of the candidate. The feedback session is the best idea for decision making process for any position. Personality test remains contentious but is widely used in United Kingdom. GROUP EXERCISE: Interpersonal competency is usually tested by means of variety of group exercises that a group of four or five candidates carry out together. The aim in group exercise is to allow assessors to observe how each candidate behaves in relation to the others. Here the leadership qualities are anglicised and the negotiating skills of the candidates. Some assessment centres give groups some task to complete, which include management games more commonly used for developmental purposes. EVALUATIONS OF ASSESSMENT CENTRES: The selection and decision for hiring and promotion of the employees can be made by evaluation of assessment centre. Assessment centres also identify the training and development according to requirements and needs of vacancies or positions. The most essential characteristic of assessment centre is to evaluate participants potential and management skills. The emphasis is to identity the selection and promotion decisions of participants are on the basis of essential job performance dimensions. Deficiencies on critical job dimensions of participants can be anglicised by using training and development purposes. The feedback and employee development suggestions that result from an assessment form the basis for training programs that are designed to correct performance problems. In an organisation assessment centers can serves as needs assessment programs that identify employee development and hiring needs. ASSESSORS: In the assessment centers the role of an assessor is very vital. The assessors are given their own briefing packs. These packs contain description of the exercise and a list of the behaviors or answers that they should be looking for. Organisation usually recruit trained additional assessors if required for selection process, however trained internal assessor are used from the centre. This comprises a combination of HR specialists with experience in assessment techniques and line managers. CANDIDATES: Here the candidates are also presented with the briefing pack which contains the objectives of task and any information required to complete it. In each exercise, candidates are rated independently by two or more assessors, using behavioral scales for each competency being assessed. TEST VALIDITY: ADVANTAGES OF ASSESSMENT CENTERS: The most important advantage of an assessment is their flexibility. They are not time-restricted as interviews. The data which is collected by the assessment center helps them to recruit the right candidates for the right position; by this process the reliability and validity of the selection decision is improved. The assessment centers which are designed well provide evidence of the most valid method of predicting a candidates performance in a job. The way in which the assessment center collects data is the most fair and objective to make recruitment decision. Assessment center improves planning and administration. Now a days many organisation choose assessment center for recruiting large number of candidates because to avoid juggling interviews and managing the recruitment process. Assessment centers apply these for recruitment such as graduate recruitment, training scheme intakes. The nature of the assessment centre also allows organizations to get closer to the selection process by observing how candidates perform the sort of tasks actually found in the role for which they are being assessed. These sorts of real life exercises can provide a good indicator of a candidates probable future performance. LIMITATIONS OF ASSESSMENT CENTERS: An effective centre requires a considerable investment in time and resources-the design process alone can take many months. Many organizations already have detailed job descriptions and competency frameworks in place, simplifying this part of the design process. Assessment centers are expensive to run but appear to be rated highly by employers and candidates alike. Aside from psychometrics test and interviews, candidates can expect to undertake in-tray exercises, role-plays and group activities, as well as being required to make presentations. Care should be taken when using high-validity selection methods to ensure that they operate fairly and are free of bias against any particular group of candidates. CONCLUSION:

Monday, August 19, 2019

Labor Supply Responses to Taxes and Transfer Payments Essay -- America

A good understanding of labor supply reactions to tax and transfer policies is necessary for achieving related policy goals. Income support programs intend to alleviate poverty and create a more equitable society. However, the reaction of the labor supply can derail the intended results and need to be carefully evaluated for effective policy. Economic theory suggests that as taxes and transfer payments increase, the amount of hours and/or number of employees will decrease (Borjas 2005). The exception is transfer payments with work requirements, where the labor supply moves in the same direction as benefits. In the labor market, individuals have two basic choices: how many hours to work (intensive), and whether or not to work at all (extensive). If the labor supply has largely intensive reactions, certain types of programs, such as food stamps, are most effective, when EITC type programs are more effective for extensive reactions. Government tax and transfer policies affect the labor supply because when the real wage changes the labor supply reacts. This paper will look at the response of the U.S. labor supply to changes in taxes and transfer payments. It will determine if the response is concentrated towards intensive or extensive margins and observe the direction and magnitude of the changes. Understanding labor supply responses is crucial for governments desiring to reach intended policy goals. Labor market behavior can have significant long run effects on potential output. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the size and quality of the labor force, capital stock, and the efficiency of production, determine a country’s potential output. When policies influence relevant factors, such as the size of the labor force, the... ...e to participate at a paid wage lower than they would typically require. More people working expands the tax base while reducing the amount of transferred income. The government is able to collect more revenue and still provide a guaranteed income level. (Dickert et al.1995; Browning 1995). EITC type programs can help the government achieve its objectives with minimal negative effects to the economy. Not all labor markets have identical sizes or types of responses to government decisions. The direction and magnitude of each response will inform policy makers about optimal decisions. Section II of this paper reviews the empirical literature on tax and transfer policies and the labor market. Section III discusses the methodology. Section IV summarizes the results of this study. Section V presents the conclusion as well as identifies areas for further research.

The Physics Of A Crystal :: essays research papers

The Physics of a Crystal Most simple chemical compounds consist of crystals. If you were to examine a lump of crystalline material very closely, you would be able to see tiny individual crystals. All crystals have a definite geometric shape, determined by the way the atoms are linked together.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mineralogists recognize 32 different classes of crystal, which are grouped into seven crystal systems. Crystal systems are described by their axis, which are imaginary lines that join the center of opposing faces of a crystal. For example, if a cubic crystal has three sets of opposing faces, it has three axes. They are all of equal length and are all at right angles to each other. Cubic crystals are described as being isometric, but not all isometric crystals are plain cubes. If the corners of a cube are cut off, the result is a polyhedron with six octagonal faced and eight triangular ones. Aside from the isometric system, there is also; a tetragonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, triclinic and hexagonal system. Crystals may form when a solution of a substance evaporates. Crystals may also form when a vapor or molten substance solidifies. Allotropes are different forms of the same element. For Example, oxygen has two allotropes, normal oxygen and ozone. Pure carbon also has two allotropes, diamond and graphite. A crystal of diamond is in fact a single giant molecule in which every carbon atom is linked to four other, by four equal, strong bonds. These bonds are arranged tetrahedrally round each atom and there are no planes along which the giant molecule can easily be split. This quality is what gives diamond its tremendous hardness.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

From the Bigs to NU: Performance Enhancement :: Journalism Essays

From the Bigs to NU: Performance Enhancement From the very first time he touched the newest and hottest in a long line of drug fads, Justin Hedrick, then high school running back, now star pitcher for the Northeastern baseball team, was swept up in the craze of ephedra. Looking back, he realizes what a fortunate decision he made to stop using the common muscle supplement linked to as many as 155 deaths around the country since its introduction in the mid-1990s. â€Å"Before (football) season, we used to cut down a little bit of weight in order to see how fast we could run or get our 40 times up a bit,† he said. â€Å"A couple of us running backs took it to see what it was like, and took it for about a month. â€Å"We just got ripped, it was ridiculous. It was perfect,† he added. â€Å"Our 40s went up, everything that we were doing, the amount of time we were working †¦ everything increased and we were like, ‘Ok, this stuff is awesome.’ After we played the season and were going to get on it next season, all the reports came out saying it was going to cause heart attacks. After researching it †¦ I was just a stupid, young, high school kid and I didn’t look into it before. But, once you do, you realize it’s basically speed. You kind of frown upon that after awhile. I mean, it’s great for the time being, but once you research it you find out what it does – and that’s just scary.† How does it work? Ephedra (also known as the Chinese herbal treatment ma huang), has been used in China for thousands of years. But, what makes it kick? â€Å"In simple terms, the human body reacts to ephedra as it does to a surge of adrenaline,† explains â€Å"Adrenaline is the ‘fight-or-flight’ hormone which is released by the body during the periods of stress and exercise. It speeds up heart rate and sends extra blood to muscles. The difference is that whereas an adrenaline rush typically lasts only a few minutes, the effects of ephedra can last for hours. Ephedra also stimulates the release of large quantities of adrenaline. Such a surge of adrenaline can make the heart beat even faster and deplete oxygen that keeps the heart working – resulting in heart strain or even heart attack.† This process, according to numerous researchers, is an even greater danger when combined with caffeine, which is found in most ephedra-containing supplements.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Research Process and Terminology Essay

The purpose for this document is to speak of my description of the research process and these documents will also contain new vocabulary retrieved from this week’s readings. In fact, this document will speak of how this new vocabulary and information applies to a career in criminal justice. In addition, this document will speak of how not knowing the correct vocabulary changes as I conduct the criminal justice research. Furthermore, this document will speak of how knowing the new vocabulary can be an asset to me when evaluating and examining research studies or data. Research Process Research includes a precise method that centers on impartial and collecting a great number of data for showing the results of an examination so that the collector of information can come to an outcome. The method used in the collection of information and evaluation plans regardless if the inquiry and examination process. In fact, the process focuses on testing feelings or concepts. In addition, any new information done without proof or support of the careful examination will not let others look over the study and process the outcome (White, 2013). New Terminology and how it applies to a career in Criminal Justice Replication is the recurrence of controlled procedures or investigations using the same methods (Hagan, 2010). Replication can be used in the career of the criminal justice system by aiding in the DNA process to prove if a person is innocent or guilty of a crime that he or she was been convicted of. In fact, by using the replication process many times will allow the analysis to get the correct results (White, 2013). Verification is proof or exact findings or accomplishments of great certitude in conclusions through extra observation (Hagan, 2010). Verification by law enforcement officers checking and double checking that he or she has the correct information obtained before turning in his or her reports for example, traffic violations (White, 2013). Pure (basic) research is concerned with the acquisition of new data for the sake of science or the development of the field (Hagan, 2010). Scientist in the criminal justice field retrieving new information can aid him or her in any developments that science needs to improve on from prior data (White, 2013). Applied research is practical research concerned with explaining the policy problems (Hagan, 2010). In applied research it helps law enforcement figure out why the old policies are not working and what can be done to improve the policies compared to the past policies (White, 2013). Crime analysis is the systematic, analytic methods directed at supplying useful information related to illegal patterns (Ibid, nd). Crime analysis in the criminal justice field can aid in the career of scientists because he or she uses examinations, violation representations, violation programs, arrest records, law enforcements calls as well as additional means to show applicable data (Wilson, 2013). In fact, crime analysis in criminal justice careers uses identification guides, violation prognosis, target profile analysis, requirements of investigative leads, and requirements to aid data to neighborhood policing and crime prevention programs. An example of a crime prevention program is the Drug Abuse Awar eness Education (DARE) (Gottlieb, Sheldon, & Raj, 1994). Intelligences agencies assist the act of coming to a decision of who is doing what with whom by its focus of the relationship between illegal – and unusual activities for example, narcotics, trafficking, prostitution rings, organized crime, gangs, and terrorists (Gottlieb, Sheldon, & Raj, 1994). Intelligences agencies in the criminal justice system as a career for example, the narcotics division can aid in bringing down individuals dealing in narcotics. Individuals who are assigned to this specific area in law enforcement can gain important information from confidential informants (if any) to help in bringing down the individual or individuals involved in narcotics for example, marijuana, crack cocaine, and heroin. In addition, to the narcotics division there is the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI). The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) supplies other law enforcement agencies with services for example, finger print identification (â€Å"Criminal Justice Data Improvement,† 2013). Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, and interpreting data (Bennett, Briggs, & Triola, 2009). Statistics as a career in the criminal justice field can help scientists organize, collect, and interpret the information needed to for cases for example, by summarizing the information instead of doing each of the experiments separately and easier to gather the information then put it into a summary (White, 2013). How not knowing the correct vocabulary changes as Dena conducts research in criminal justice. When doing research in criminal justice if Dena does not know the correct meanings of the new terms it can lead to wrong and inaccurate information that goes into her documentation. An example of this would be if Dena were writing information for both applied and pure research she could misinterpret the meanings for both of the new terms and when doing her documentation to be presented. The documents that Dena has provided will be wrong and will not give the right outcome therefore, the reports that she turns into her boss will let he or she know that Dena is not as familiar with the new terminology (White, 2013). How knowing the right terminology can be an asset to Dena when evaluating research and information. When looking over the documentation and definitions of each new vocabulary term knowing the right terms will aid in the research Dena will be able to show any mistakes (if any). In fact, if Dena knows the definitions and how each functions then she will be able to continue he r research and find any misspelled vocabulary terms. Knowing the differences between the right and wrong new vocabulary can make a difference when doing a document that has to be presented (White, 2013). In conclusion, learning new vocabulary terms in the criminal justice field aids in the research process. Knowing both of the definitions and what each means will aid in the process for research. In fact, by not knowing the differences Dena can misinterpret one definition for another for example, pure research, and applied research. Statics in the criminal justice field can be beneficial to the scientist because he or she can put the information into a computer and summarize the facts. Summarizing the facts makes it easier on the scientist or analyst because he or she does not have to do each experiment separately. References Criminal Justice Data Improvement (2013). Program Summary, (), . Retrieved from Gottlieb, S., Sheldon, A., & Raj, S. (1994), Crime Analysis: From First Report to Final Arrest. Crime Analysis: From First Report to Final Arrest. , (), Hagan, F.E. (2010). Research methods in criminal justice and criminology (8th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Ibid (no date) R Wilson (personal communication, July 20, 2013)

Friday, August 16, 2019

How GMOs Created?

How GMOs created?A genetically changed organism may be associate animal, plant, or micro-organism (e.g. bacteria) whose sequencetic makeup is altered through gene splice, genetic modification, or transgenic technology. This manipulation of genes and DNA has the potential to make combos of animal, bacterial, plant, and infective agent genes that either don't or wouldn't naturally manifest in nature through ancient crossbreeding strategies. It's the unstable qualities created by these scientific manipulations, and a scarcity of long study and analysis on the impact such manipulations will produce, that has several scientists and members of the overall public involved.How genetically changed foods created?When genetically modifying plants that square measure used for food, scientists take away specific genes from the DNA of another organism, like associate animal, bacterium, plant, or virus and so add those genes into the DNA of the plant they require to change. This method is usually mentioned as sequence splice. By adding completely different genes, scientists hope the plant can inherit the characteristics contained inside the spliced section of DNA.ZUCCHINIWhat Is Zucchini? Also known as courgette, zucchini has its origin in America and is obtainable in yellow, lightweight inexperienced, and inexperienced color. the form of this tiny summer squash resembles that of a ridged cucumber and options various seeds. Some cultivators conjointly manufacture zucchini in rounded or bottle shapes. Today, the most important producers of this squash embody Japan, China, Romania, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, and Argentina. it's adult year-around and may be eaten raw, sliced or in lyonnaise kind. It may be cut in an exceedingly cold dish and is additionally lyonnaise in hot salads. Even though zucchini could be a fruit, it's sometimes lyonnaise as a vegetablebecause it's best once eaten in lyonnaise dishes. it's picked once it's below 8in/20cm long and also the seeds square measure soft and young. a totally developed zucchini is sometimes 3 feet long and contains an excessive amount of fiber and isn't smart to eat. Young zucchini incorporates a delicate style, soft covering, and buttery white flesh. it's obtainable in its best kind throughout might and July. the majority the elements of this squash square measure edible, together with the flesh, seeds, and even the skin.Varieties of zucchini: Some widespread varieties are:Golden zucchini options brght golden-yellow skin that retains its color even once preparation.Round sorts square measure dense, heavy, and nearly seeded with a swish surface.Tatume, that is common in Mexico, has similar options of spherical selection however has the big oval form.Costata Romanesco conjointly called Cocozelle could be a long, slender sort with a small bulge at very cheap finish. It options pale, raised ribs with dappled inexperienced skin. once sturdy and young, this squash is juicy and sweet.Middle-Eastern sorts square measure fat, lightweight inexperienced, tapering ends with a thick greenish stem. they need swish, shiny skin and firm, crisp and flavourous fl esh.Yellow Crooknecks have thick unsmooth skin with a markedly falcate neck. they're fresh in texture with sweet, delicate flavor.Health Edges Of Zucchini: Health edges of zucchini embody the following;Weight Loss: You might be shocked to grasp that overwhelming zucchini can assist you melt off significantly. it's very low in calories, however it provides you the sensation of being full. Therefore, it's a good thanks to satisfy your appetency while not grabbing calories or beginning a crash diet set up. with the exception of the low-calorie count, it's high water content and is made in fiber. Hence, once you eat it, your abdomen isn't empty, thereby creating zucchini recipes excellent if you're on a diet.Maintains Best Health: Already being an impressive supply of metal and ascorbic acid, zucchini is additionally the most effective supply of dietary fiber that may keep your body within the best form for the end of the day. It conjointly contains axerophthol, magnesium, folate, potassium, copper, and phosphorus. This summer squash conjointly incorporates a high content of omega-3 fatty acid fatty acids, zinc, niacin, and macromolecule. Moreover, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B2, and atomic number 20 in zucchini assure best health. it's most likely the most effective squash having associate array of nutrients, together with sugar, carbohydrates, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, minerals, amino acids, and more. The B-complex vitamin ingredient of this squash is very suggested for pregnant girls additionally.Promotes Men's Health: Many researchers have taken extracts from this squash to conduct sure studies associated over that this fruit has sure properties that effectively treat an ill in men known as benign prostatic hyperplasia or Benign endocrine Hypertrophy. Benign prostatic hyperplasia could be a condition wherever the ductless gland becomes enlarged in associate odd form and size, that then will cause hassle with each sexual and urinary operate. an honest treatment of this is often seen together with different foods that contain phytonutrients; zucchini is claimed to be very helpful in decreasing benign prostatic hyperplasia symptoms.Prevents Diseases: Your overall health can for certain improve if you consume zucchini frequently. It helps forestall all types of diseases in an exceedingly general sense. Studies have already declared that fiber-rich foods facilitate alleviate cancer conditions by laundry away cancer-causing toxins from cells within the colon. The ascorbic acid, folate, and carotenoid in zucchini facilitate to safeguard these cells from the harmful chemicals that may result in carcinoma. carotenoid and ascorbic acid even have medicine properties, thereby naturally solidification ailments like arthritis, asthma, and arthritis, wherever swelling is vastly painful. The copper proportion in it conjointly helps in reducing the symptoms of arthritis.Protects vascular system: It is made in organic process worth, particularly throughout the summer, once it delivers unnumbered benefits to the body. The food ranking systems in zucchini-rich countries have declared that this squash has extensive levels of metal and ascorbic acid that facilitate to stay the center robust. During the analysis, most of those nutrients were found effective within the bar of diabetic cardiovascular disease and induration of the arteries. The metallic element content notably reduces the danger of heart attacks and strokes. together with K, metallic element conjointly helps in reducing high force per unit area. The ascorbic acid and carotenoid found in summer squash facilitate in preventing the oxidization of cholesterin. change cholesterin builds au courant vas walls, however these nutrients cut back the event of induration of the arteries. The nourishment B-complex vitamin is needed by the body to eliminate associate unsafe metabolic byproduct known as homocysteine, which may lead to attack and stroke if the degree rise too high. Its fiber content lowers high cholesterin levels additionally, thereby serving to to scale back the danger of induration of the arteries and heart diseases thanks to polygenic disease.Immunity: Our body USually|is often} actively engaged within the defense against several microorganisms that may hurt us. At times, this process gets weak, and would possibly want reinforcements. feeding foods made in antioxidants like ascorbic acid will strengthen our system, and obtain it up and dealing like ne'er before. Zucchini is one food that may give you with vital doses of this nourishment.Vitamin C acts to spice up immunity by stimulating the assembly of white blood cells. These cells square measure concerned in protective our system against invasive harmful microorganisms like viruses and microorganism. ascorbic acid conjointly helps fight the activities of free radicals, whose interaction with different body cells might lead to neoplasm growth.Zucchini's Benefits:Zucchini belongs to the Cucurbita pepo species that was the topic of associate India-based study. because it seems, this species of summer squash protects against the event of lesion of the abdomen and also the small intestine, that is that the section of the little viscus that connects it to the abdomen. within the study, same ulcers were elicited in laboratory rats by giving them Empirin. once fourteen days of administering the extract of ripe Cucurbita pepo, membrane thickening of the abdomen and duodemun was determined, confirmi ng the gastroduodenum-protective and overall anti-ulcerogenic mechanism of Cucurbita pepo.Squash has conjointly been found to contain measurable amounts of cellulose, a sort of sugar that shows potential for dietary medical aid for polygenic disease. The dicot genus species of squash, of that zucchini belongs to, has been studied in Slovak Republic, and it's been found that the cellulose during this species of squash has medicinal drug effects. within the study, coughing was elicited in guinea pigs by administering acid. Afterwards, cellulose polysaccharides got orally to the themes and their coughing reflex remittent. The results were then compared to the medicinal drug effects of pain pill, a sort of narcotic, and cellulose polysaccharides had comparable, and in some cases even higher cough-suppressing activity than pain pill.Phytonutrients square measure extensive in zucchini additionally and continuing analysis has brought forth discovery of assorted phytochemicals gift in Cucur bita pepo. These compounds have shown multi-targeted bar of cancer by scavenging and killing free radicals and preventing chronic inflammation additionally.Zucchini's Risks:Zucchini has oxalates, compounds that naturally occur in our body and that tend to crystallize once in excess amounts. people with impaired urinary organ and vesica functions should initial visit their doctors before incorporating zucchini in their diet to avoid exasperating their several medical conditions.Zucchini is one in all the fifty fruits and vegetables with dreadful levels of insecticide residue additionally, this per the Environmental social unit. Minimizing exposure to petrochemicals is crucial as it's been shown to create birth defects and varied sicknesses like cancer.Cultivation:Sow seeds in pots†¢Seed may be seeded in pots from March to the top of might. Fill a 7.5cm (3in) pot with compost and firm gently.Sow a seed vertically two.5cm (1in) deep and canopy. Label, water and place in an exceedi ngly propagator or on a sill.When roots begin to point out through very cheap of the pot, place into a twelve.5cm (5in) instrumentality. Plant out into growing baggage, soil or an outsized pot in late spring or early summer.Sow seeds in soilSeed may be seeded directly into the soil from late-May to early summer.Choose a sunny, secure spot and improve the soil by dig in some well-rotted manure or compost.Sow 2 seeds on their aspect two.5cm (1in) deep and once the seedlings have germinated, remove the weakest one.AftercarePlenty of water is important, particularly once the plants square measure in flower and so once the fruits have began to swell. Mulch to lock in wet.If you dig in lots of manure before planting, further feeding is senseless on significant, fertile soil.On sandy or lightweight soil, regular drenches with a liquid feed can facilitate boost production.Harvesting and storageTo keep plants productive you would like to reap courgettes regarding thrice every week at the pea k of the season.The correct size to choose depends on selection, however as a rule, harvest courgettes once they are 10cm (4in).Use a pointy knife to sever the fruit from the plant. Courgettes square measure best eaten recent or may be keep for a number of days within the refrigerator.Squashes square measure a lot of variable in form and size, thus browse the seed packet for gathering and storage info.Marrows square measure typically thought of to be courgettes adult giant, and need constant growing conditions.When growing marrows, harvest frequently once they are 20cm (8in) long, or leave them to mature for winter use.Marrows may be keep for a protracted amount of your time if unbroken at a temperature between seven.5C to 10C (45F to 50F).

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Describing of how Accessing a Aange of Services and Facilities can be Beneficial to an Individual’s Wellbeing

An individual‘s well-being may benefit in a number of ways through the accessing of range of service and facilities, these may include a benefit to their physical well-being, when they can easily and encouraged to access facilities such leisure centres to exercise. And sometimes this can improve their physical stamina in dealing with some of physical limitation. As the session in the swimming pool at the day center, where service users with physical limitation try to force themselves in movements to enjoy the time that they spend inside the pool.Identify barriers that individuals may encounter in accessing services and facilities Barriers that individuals may encounter in accessing services and facilities are; -Distance. Not all transports are provided to get access to wheelchairs therefore it require a special vehicle -Education. Lack of information is a barrier for an individual to access services -Opportunity cost. Cost may be prohibitive or there may not be staff available to give support. Also cultural and social barriers may affect the individual in accessing to services and facilitiesDescribe ways of overcoming barriers to accessing services and facilities -Providing specialist transport such a vans with ramps for wheelchair access or team of specially trained people who know how to professionally escort people with mental issues in accessing other facilities and service -Lack of information is a barrier and can be addressed by presenting as much information on the type of the services, who the service is for and the proper use of facilities.-Special equipment such hoist are required for some individual and a number of well trained staff to allow service users to benefit of it -With our multicultural world there has been a rise in the need for interpreters and this has been recognised in most government institutions where they facilitate for those that may be not able to understand English and may need an interpreter. Explain why it is important to support individuals to challenge information about services that may present a barrier to participationSupporting individuals who challenge information about services that threaten participation help to encourage more people into participating. Finding out which things put a hamper on participation will help to make more associate themselves with the activity. How to ensure individuals’ rights and preferences are promoted when accessing and using services and facilities The most effective way to ensure individual’s right and preferences is always asking them permission. Explain well, in the clerer way what we are going to do, and asking them if the are agreed on that.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Conventional and organic food products Essay

While conventional food products are still dominating American market, the phrase â€Å"healthy eating† is gradually gaining popularity. To supplement this new trendy belief, a wave of organic products is sweeping across this nation’s grocery stores. But do people really realize the differences between conventional and organic products as they mound their shopping carts? Do they know that the main differences between the two categories of foods actually lie in their processing procedures, advertising strategies, and product ingredients? When people look at an organic product, the first thing they are most likely to notice is its cost. Which, under normal circumstances, is remarkably higher than average products. Since people have the misconception that the word â€Å"organic† on food labels means â€Å"all natural,† they accepted this phenomenon as a necessary price to pay for a healthy life, but it merely indicates that the product is minimally processed and is preservative free. The true reason behind the intimidating price of organic product is because organic production prohibits the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides as well as genetic manipulation of plants. These standards require greater labor input from organic farmers to provide a purer product, and at the same time help to protect our environment. People expect a â€Å"fair price† for conventional foods, because they are well informed of its manufacturing process. Modern machinery allows factories to undergo mass-production, thus little manual labor is required. This not only leads to increments in the yield, but also lowers the overall cost of production. Though the reasonable price of conventional products is beneficial to one’s budget, chemical preservatives are used during the manufacturing process. Conventional cropping practices may also include a combination fungicide/insecticide treatment to protect the seed from soil diseases and insects, which poses potential harm to our health and environment. Since the prices of organic products are far from alluring, and at the same time tend to have less variety, organic producers advertise their products by their nutritional appeals. Ostentatious statements such as â€Å"good for  life†, or â€Å"nature’s best† are printed unsparingly on the packages; accompanied by idealized pictures of nature. TV commercials for organic products are rarely seen; if people happen to see one, they will find themselves viewing a beautiful field of crops or a lively farm with cows mooing and chickens cackling. A middle-aged man in agrarian overalls will then come along to accentuate the freshness of their products with earnest. The popular demand for conventional food generates large profit for conventional food producers, which enables them to innovate more varieties of products and to advertise their products more efficiently on TV commercials. The majority of these commercials take place away from rural settings; they are either in a nice house, a fancy restaurant, or some imaginary land. While the well-dressed actors and actresses are feasting on the food products, a confident male voice will pop up in the background to announce that their products are better than those of others. Other than well-animated TV commercials, imagery also plays a key role in packaging. The producers wrap their products up in boxes that are covered by bright colors and decorated with popular food icons to attract consumers’ attention. Messages such as â€Å"50% more volume† or â€Å"free CD inside† can also be found on packages for promotion purposes. Nutritionists are placing an unprecedented amount of emphasize on organic products, which makes people feel compelled to read the list of ingredients before buying it. That’s when the buyers will be pleasantly surprised to discover that they can actually understand the list. For instance, the ingredients of organic milk are simply: certified organic grade A milk, and Vitamin D3. This unique feature not only helps consumers to identify an organic product, but also provides a sense of security when people consume the product. When people pick up a conventional product, they glance at it to check for defects, and then toss it into the cart. It is unlikely that anyone is going to read the ingredient list closely. Not only because people are so used to the products they use, that they tend to neglect the details, but also because the ingredient list of a conventional product is nearly meaningless  to the consumers. Reading the ingredient list of a processed food is like reading data from a chemistry book; it is incomprehensible and boring. For example, a simple bottle of conventional milk can consist up to four kinds of added chemicals. Therefore, the long list of scientific components does nothing more than bewilders the customers. Even though organic foods differ from conventional foods in many aspects, study shows that there are no substantial differences between their taste and safety. Buying an organic product is more of an act of protecting the environment than promoting one’s own health. If consumers’ budget allows, they should buy more organic products, because it is a simple way of giving back to the Mother Nature, and help to preserve biological stability on earth.

Market & social research - research proposal Essay

Market & social research - research proposal - Essay Example The financial crisis impacted negatively on the savings of the British public as most banks lost the savings entrusted to them by depositors. According to Buckley, one of the major contributors to the global financial crisis was the untenable rise in subprime mortgage lending (2011). Part of the reason for the rise in subprime mortgage lending is attributable to the government’s own efforts to win votes and popularity by making it easy for the public to buy homes. Also, the banks rode on this high risk debt products due to their potential to generate immense profits. The banks leveraged the mortgage loans with credit default swaps and the mass failure of borrowers to pay back led to added levels of debt on the banks’ books of account. Ultimately, the culmination of mass defaults led to the financial crisis. Due to globalization, the financial crisis had a negative impact on many countries since the world economies are interconnected. The credit crunch had cross cutting effects that affected virtually all sectors of the economy. This led to social economic changes that had direct impact on the British public (Akinbami 2011). This paper will evaluate the British public attitudes towards the banking sector after the financial crisis. ... The onus is upon the financial regulatory agencies to establish the public attitudes and implement strategies to ensure that the financial sector is positively perceived by the public (Hodson & Deborah 2009). The needs of bank customers are evolving rapidly and it is therefore necessary for banks to put in place futuristic plans that can effectively cater for the evolving needs of their customers. Objectives 1. To investigate the public’s attitude towards the banking sector after the financial crisis. 2. To establish the public perceptions on who is to blame for the financial crisis 3. To identify the information that the public receives in regards to the banking industry in the United Kingdom and how this information affects their attitudes towards the banks 4. To establish the consumer trends in the banking sector and the evolving needs of the bank customers 5. To identify the banking products that the customers will need in twenty years time. Limitations The domain of the s tudy comprises of all the public and it is difficult to access all the domains of the public. Suffice to say, the research will be restricted to a sample of the public selected through convenience sampling. It is also notable that numerous changes have occurred in the banking sector after the financial crisis and new factors may contribute to the public attitudes towards the banking sector. Research Design It is important that the opinion and attitudes of the members of the public should be correctly observed and recorded. This research will adopt a pragmatic philosophy in order to effectively collect information about the perceptions and attitudes of the public. It is important to that the nature of the research problem demands for multiple views to appropriately answer

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Research Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Research Methodology - Essay Example be their findings of the differences of the structure of affirmative action policies of the United States in comparison to those being implemented in India in terms of basis, approaches, government, legal impetus and coverage. The study provides interesting insights into the differences in employee’s perceptions of AAPs in India and the United States. These differences highlight both the positive and negative attitudes that people have about AAPs in the two countries. Employers should be aware of this issue and justify employment decisions based on the competencies of the selected candidates and stress that merit is not compromised. Further, the content and structure of diversity training and education programs cannot be superimposed without consideration of country and cultural differences. The authors of the research came up with the title â€Å"The tale of two cultures: Attitudes towards affirmative action in the United States and India†. The title is informative and it indicates the focus of the study. It allows the reader to easily interpret the content of the study. The following are the noted characteristics of the title of the research. The title is the subject matter of the study. The locale of the study, the population involved, and the period when the data were gathered were all omitted on the title but were indicated on the description of participants on page 164 bullets 2.3 of the research. It was broad enough to include all aspects of the subject matter studied or to be studied. Hence, the title indicated what the readers should expect to find inside the thesis report. The title was brief and concise as possible.The authors avoided using the terms â€Å"An Analysis of,† â€Å"A Study of,† â€Å"An Investigation of,† and the like. This is important since all these things are understood to have been done or to be done when a research is conducted. The abstract is found on the first page of the research. It has the findings which provide the summary of