Thursday, October 31, 2019

Ismg 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ismg 2 - Essay Example In IT departments, today’s CIOs are at cross-roads (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 15). Globalization and digitalization, on the other hand, make technology more significant than ever. Hence, IT skills have become the competitive factor that every organization needs to penetrate in to the global market, as well as the human society. Latest technology, for instance social and cloud computing, also have unleashed the probability of decentralizing an enterprise (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 16). This has put IT along with its CIOs in a significant situation where they must to generate enhanced tactics so as to move with the global trends. CIOs who succumb to these challenges either quit their job or are eventually laid off. Barton could uncover his new staff by recognizing the talent of every member of his staff (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 26). Changing a business plan, as perceived, is easier than discovering talents. However, discovering and developing the talents of Barton’s staff members is the best option of attaining organizational goals. Barton could uncover his new staff by seeking for real diversity of talent among the workers (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 26). Staff member should be assigned quite diverse jobs in order for Barton to realize their competence. In a majority of cases, a good number of workers will do better than perceived in their new role (Austin, Nolan and O’Donnell 27). Also, Barton should seek to reward his staff whenever they do something appealing, and motivate them when things do not go as planned. Through this, every member of Barton’s staff will always perform to the fullest in line with his or her specialization. David says that Barton will last no more than any year since this has been the trend with a majority of CIOs in the IT field. Even though, David’s basis might be true, it shows how arrogant David is. CIOs face

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tinnitus And The Psychology Of Hearing Essay Example for Free

Tinnitus And The Psychology Of Hearing Essay â€Å"Tinnitus is the subjective sensation of noise—usually described as ringing, hissing, buzzing, roaring, chirping, or clicking sounds—in the ears that cannot be attributed to any external sound† (Hannan, Sami, Wareing, 2005; Lalwani, Snow, 2005). The American Tinnitus Association (2007) estimates that about 50 million Americans experience tinnitus, with men affected more than women (Lockwood, Salvi, Burkard, 2002). â€Å"Twenty-five percent of these individuals suffer from severe enough tinnitus to prompt medical consultation†. Although a relatively common condition, the mechanisms of tinnitus are as yet poorly understood (Lalwani et al, 2005; Lockwood et al, 2002). â€Å"As discussed by Lockwood and associates (2002), there are currently two schools of thought that offer contradictory explanations as to the origin of tinnitus†. On the one hand are those who forward the hypothesis that tinnitus is mainly due to a cochlear pathology, as evidenced by the high incidence of cochlear damage in individuals with tinnitus. This is countered on the other hand by those who propose a central nervous system origin of tinnitus, as implied by the observation of tinnitus in patients with complete transections of the auditory nerve (Lockwood et al, 2002). The present paper is a review of the physiology of hearing, and an attempt to correlate it with tinnitus. Hearing is a function subserved peripherally by the ears and the auditory nerve (cranial nerve VIII), and centrally by the transverse temporal gyri of the temporal lobe (Willis, 2004). These structures altogether make up the auditory system, which primarily functions in the transduction of sounds emanating from the environment. The peripheral auditory apparatus—that is, the ear—â€Å"acts as the interface between the external environment and the individual†. Sound—actually wave vibrations—enters the external auditory canal and sets the tympanic membrane in motion. This, in turn, moves the ossicles—the maleus, incus and stapes—which causes pressure changes in the fluid-filled inner ear. Clearly, from the external environment to the inner ear, sound is carried as wave vibrations, transmitted initially through solids—cartilage and bone—and later through a fluid media—the perilymph and endolymph. The efficiency of this process—a transfer of energy from air, through solids, then through fluids—is ensured by the tympanic membrane and the ossicles, which act as an impedance-matching device (Lalwani et al, 2005). From the internal ear to the central nervous system, on the other hand, sound is interpreted as gradients of electron charges across membranes. The inner ear—principally the cochlea—is a complex composed of the bony and membranous labyrinths. The bony labyrinth component of the cochlea includes several chambers, namely the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani. The scala vestibuli connects with the vestibule and the oval window, whereas the scala tympani connect with the round window. These two chambers merge at the helicotrema, located at the cochlear apex. The membranous labyrinth component of the cochlea is the scala media, which is located between the scala vestibuli and scala tympani. As mentioned previously, the inner ear is a fluid-filled structure. Specifically, the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani are filled with perilymph, which resemble cerebrospinal fluid, while the scala media is filled endolymph, which resembles intracellular fluid (Willis, 2004). Within the cochlea is located the organ of Corti, the neural apparatus responsible for sound transduction, which is composed of several thousand hair cells, the sensory receptors for sound. At the apex of each hair cell are stereocilia, and at the base are nerve fibers that belong to the cochlear division of the eighth cranial nerve. The sound wave transmitted by the middle ear case fluid movements within the bony labyrinth, and part of the hydraulic energy of these fluid movements result in displacement of the organ of Corti. The stereocilia are deformed or bent by the shear forces produced by this relative displacement. The current concept of cochlear transduction is that displacement of the tips of the stereocilia, especially if this displacement is toward the tallest cilium (Willis, 2004), allows potassium to flow into the cell, resulting in its depolarization (Lalwani et al, 2005; Ricci, Kachar, Gale, Van Netten, 2006). The influx of potassium opens calcium channels near the base of the cell, stimulating transmitter release, thought to be glutamate or aspartate (Willis, 2004; Lalwani et al, 2005; Ricci et al, 2006), and firing of the cochlear nerve fibers. This discharge is transmitted to, from peripheral to central, the dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei, trapezoid body, superior olivary complex, lateral lemniscus, inferior colliculus, medial geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (which gives rise to the auditory radiation), and ends in the auditory cortex located in the transverse temporal gyri of the temporal lobe (Willis, 2004; Lalwani et al, 2005). The end-result of all these is the perception of sound. The subjective perception of sound that is tinnitus could theoretically originate anywhere along the length of the auditory system. However, since the sound heard of individuals suffering from tinnitus is not attributable to any external source, the origin of tinnitus could be limited to the cochlea, specifically the organ of Corti, and the central nervous sytem (Lockwood et al, 2005). Cochlear damage, specifically damage to the hair cells of the organ of Corti, was initially believed to cause tinnitus (Eggermont, 1990; Zenner Ernst, 1993). Although auditory receptor cells have been documented to regenerate and subsequently recover functionally after damage in many vertebrates (Goode, Carey, Fuchs, Rubel, 1999; Stone Rubel, 2000; Zakir Dickman, 2006), spontaneous regeneration of mammalian hair cells does not occur (Zakir et al, 2006). Damage to hair cells, especially through prolonged exposure to supraphysiologic sound levels, may result to transmission of depolarization within the hair cell, and, thus, false perception of sound in the absence of an external source of the same. In contrast to this proposition was the hypothesis forwarded by Lockwood and companions (2002), which attributes tinnitus to central nervous system defects. â€Å"They propose that hearing loss results to reorganization of the pathways in the central auditory system†, which lead to abnormal interactions between auditory and other central pathways, as is seen in neuropathic pain. An example of this phenomenon is gaze-evoked tinnitus, â€Å"where lateral eye movements fail to produce the inhibition of the auditory cortex observed in controls†. It was proposed that the absence of this phenomenon may contribute to the false perception of sounds, that is, tinnitus (Lockwood et al, 2002). It was contended that this explanation accounted for the perception of tinnitus in individuals whose auditory nerves have already been previously transected. Lockwood and associates (2002), citing from Levine (1999), also forwarded the explanation that tinnitus results from a reduction in auditory-nerve input, â€Å"which leads to disinhibition of the dorsal cochlear nucleus and an increase in spontaneous activity in the central auditory system†. This mechanism was proposed to explain tinnitus experienced by normal individuals following exposure to noise, or placement in total silence. REFERENCES American Tinnitus Association (2007). About tinnitus. Retrieved April 3, 2007, from Eggermont JJ (1990). On the pathophysiology of tinnitus: a review and a peripheral model. Hear Res, 48, 111-24. Goode CT, Carey JP, Fuchs AF, Rubel EW (1999 March). Recovery of the vestibulocolic reflex after aminoglycoside ototoxicity in domestic chickens. J Neurophysiol, 81(3), 1025-35. Hannan SA, Sami F, Wareing MJ (2005, 29 January). 10-minute consultation: tinnitus. BMJ, 330, 237. Lalwani AK, Snow JB (2005). Disorders of smell, taste, and hearing. In DL Kasper, E Braunwald, AS Fauci, SL Hauser, DL Longo, JL Jameson (Eds.), Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (16th ed.) (pp.176-185). New York: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division. Levine RA (1999). Somatic (craniocervical) tinnitus and the dorsal cochlear nucleus hypothesis. Am J Otolaryngol, 20, 351-62. Lockwood AH, Salvi RJ, Burkard RF (2002, 19 September). Current concepts: tinnitus. N Engl J Med, 347(12), 904-910. Radeloff A, Smolders JW (2006, May). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor treatment does not improve functional recovery after hair cell regeneration in the pigeon. Acta Otolaryngol, 126(5), 452-9. Ricci AJ, Kachar B, Gale J, Van Netten SM (2006). Mechano-electrical transduction: new insights into old ideas. J Membr Biol, 209(2-3), 71-88. Smith ME, Coffin AB, Miller DL, Popper AN (2006, November). Anatomical and functional recovery of the goldfish (Carassius auratus) ear following noise exposure. J Exp Biol, 209(Pt 21), 4193-202. Stone JS, Rubel EW (2000, 24 October). Cellular studies of auditory hair cell regeneration in birds. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 97(22), 11714-21. Willis WD (2004). The special senses. In RM Berne, MN Levy, BM Koeppen, BA Stanton (Eds.), Physiology (5th ed.) (pp. 118-154). Missouri: Mosby. Zakir M, Dickman JD (2006, 15 March). Regeneration of vestibular otolith afferents after ototoxic damage. J Neurosci, 26(11), 2881-93. Zenner HP, Ernst A (1993). Cochlear-motor, transduction and signal-transfer tinnitus: models for three types of cochlear tinnitus. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 249, 447-54.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Background and Future of Quantity Surveying

Background and Future of Quantity Surveying This written report will critically discuss the role of the Quantity Surveying in the short form named QS within the contemporary built environment. Before discuss or considering about what is the changing role of Quantity Surveyor is in the future, the background of the Quantity Surveying is worthwhile to have a review. The traditional roles and evolved roles of Quantity Surveryor will be briefly discussed. Least, the responsibilities of Quantity Surveyor will be carried out too. Background to the Quantity Surveying Quantity Surveying (QS) profession has been experienced significant change over the past decade in terms of the scope and types of services provided both within and outside of the construction industry. All the changes have been occurs in response to changing clients or industry demands, IT (information technology) developments and increased level of competition of services. As the technology and Architecture buildings are constantly developed, Quantity Surveyor(s) played an important role in both public and private sector. Thus, how many people know about who is Quantity Surveyor? What is the Quantity Surveying profession is in nowadays? What are Quantity Surveyor do for? By according to QSBC (2009), stated that Quantity surveyors are the profession developed during the 19th century from the earlier Measurer, Quantity Surveyor is a specialist tradesman (often a guild member) who always prepared standardized schedules for a building project in which all of the construction materials, labour activities and the like were quantified, and against which competing builders could submit priced tenders. Because the tenders were each based on the same schedule of information, they would be easily compared to find the most suitable candidate. QSBC (2009). Furthermore, Seelay 1997 stated that a Quantity Surveyor is fully professional trained, qualified and experienced in dealing with the basic problems on behalf of the employer. Quantity Surveyor is essentially a cost expert or as a cost controller whose prime task is to ensure that the project is kept within the agreed budget which has been signed in contract document, and important is to make sure that the employer obtains value for money. (Seeley, 1997 pg.40.) Moreover, QSBC (2009) also discussed that, Quantity Surveyor is a professional who are usually working within the construction industry. The role of Quantity Surveyor is to manage and to control the costs of the particular construction projects and may be involving the use of range of management procedures and technical tools to achieve the goals. From difference sources, there is difference method to interpreted or discussed of roles of Quantity Surveyor. And then, the definition of the role of Quantity Surveyor should be known. By referring to RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, 1983a, pg.1) which stated that In the 1971s report, the role of Quantity Surveyor was defined as ensuring that the resources of the construction industry are utilized to be the best advantage of society by providing, inter alia, the financial management for projects and a cost consultancy service to the client and designer during the whole construction process. In addition, the distinctive competence of the Quantity Surveyor is a skill in measurement and valuation in the construction field in order that such work can be described and the cost and price for the particular project can be forecast defined, analyzed, planned, under controlled and accounted for. Quantity Surveyor A Quantity Surveyor is key professionals in the construction sector or industry. Quantity Surveyor(s) always act as a cost Engineer, cost Planner or cost Controller. A Quantity Surveyor is specializes in estimating the value of the construction project works. Quantity Surveyor(s) will use their skills to do the taking off quantity of the propose building, and determine the cost of building work ranging from small refurbishment works through to assessing the value of multi-million money construction project. Quantity Surveyor(s) normally works with Developers, Architects, Contractors, Building Proprietors and works with Government Bodies and Agencies. Addition, Quantity Surveyor(s) can be involved in cost planning, cost management, Contract Administration, project procurement, feasibility studies and the asset financial management. The purpose of Quantity Surveyor is to lower down or minimize project cost and maximize the value on a given proposed project. By either increasing value for money to a developer or end user client, or increasing profit margins for the main contractor or subcontractor, Quantity Surveyor whilst still achieving the required standards specified under the agreement, within contract program. Construction cost, construction management and construction communication are all key problems area for an employer or client who has commissioned and important building or engineering project. Thus, a professional trained, qualified and fully experienced Quantity Surveyor whose expert in dealing with these problems is needed. An experienced Quantity Surveyor(s) will accomplish their objectives in a variety of ways and largely guided by their experience; however more tangible factors also play a part such as a carefully selected procurement strategy, use of terms and conditions of contract and negotiation skills. Furthermore, the role of a quantity surveyor played is to manage the costs relating to building projects. This may include new builds, renovations or maintenance work. From early design costs to final figures, Quantity Surveyors seek to minimise the costs of the project and enhance value for money whilst ensuring that the project meets all legal and quality assurance requirements. Quantity Surveyors are involved at various stages of the construction process, typically prior to construction, during construction and following completion of the works. Prior to Construction Stage During Construction Stage Post Construction Stage Preparation of Feasibility Studies Provision of cost control services during construction Determination of the final project cost Estimating to define projects budgets/ amount Assessment of the contractors progress claims Preparation of tax depreciation reports for investors and property owner Analysis of the effect of design changes on the project budget Assessment of variation and delay claims Expert witness reports to assist in the settlement of building disputes. Cost planning to refine the budget as the design documents develop Procurement of subcontractors and labour to carry out the specialist trade works Preparation of Bills of Quantities to assist in the tender process Negotiation and settlement of accounts Monthly forecasting and cost reporting Monthly negotiation and agreement of payments for works carried out Table 1: Construction stages involved by Quantity Surveyor(s) Role of Quantity Surveying The Quantity Surveying profession in the United Kingdom has largely developed over the last century. It has grown to such an extent that it forms the second largest division in Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). As building works increased in volume and complexity, the employers became not satisfied with the method adopted for settling all the cost of the construction works and recognized the advantages of employing an independent Quantity Surveyor who would prepare and produce out an accurate bills of quantities (BOQ) to be priced by tendering contractor(s). And also employers will seek for the Quantity Survey who would measure and value any variations that might occur during the construction works progress. The common role of quantity surveyor(s) is to manage or be able to the costs relating to the particular propose building projects. This may include new builds, renovations or maintenance work. From early design costs to final figures, quantity surveyors seek and to be ensure to minimise the costs of the project and enhance value for money whilst ensuring that the project meets all legal and quality assurance requirements. Quantity surveyor duties typically include: Conducting feasibility studies to estimate materials, time and labour costs Preparing, negotiating and analysing costs for tenders and contracts Coordination of work effort Advising on a range of legal and contractual issues Valuing completed work and arranging for payments Traditional Role of Quantity Surveying/Surveyor Based on HKIS stated thatAs a tradition, estimating, preparation of tender documents, tender analysis, contract documentation, valuation and variation, and all quantity surveying related works of infrastructure projects are always handled by civil engineers notwithstanding that majority of these works are actually handled by quantity surveyors under the supervision of civil engineers. In the building works, the traditional role of handling these works by architects had been changed to become the role of quantity surveyors, and the Government and Private Forms of Building Contract were changed to recognize such QS role. However, in the infrastructure works, such QS role is still with the civil engineers as stated in the Government Form of Civil Engineering Works (HKIS, 2008). Ashworth and Hogg (2007) stated that the traditional role of Quantity Surveyor is still practiced on small to medium sized projects. It can be described as a measure and value system. Quantity Surveyor should prepared using a single price method of estimating, produce bills of quantities for tendering, measure the progress payments base on the work and prepare final account on the basis of the tender documentation. The traditional role, which is still practiced by some, also can be described as measure and value system. Approximate estimates of the initial coasts of building are prepared by using a single price method of estimating and where this cost was acceptable to the client then the design was developed by Architect. Quantity surveyor will prepared and produced bills of quantities (BOQ) for tendering purposes. The work would be measured for weekly/monthly/half yearly for the progress payments and a final account will be then prepared on the basis of the tender documentation. On traditional roles, Quantity Surveyor will conducting single rate approximates estimating to the particular project. Furthermore, Quantity Surveyor also will take part into cost planning in the management team and giving advice in cost planning. In addition, Quantity Surveyor will also giving client advice on procurement, advise measurement and qualification on the project taken. The most significant roles or services which provided by Quantity Surveyor are do taking off, preparation of tender document and produce bills of quantities (BOQ). During construction period, Quantity Surveying should giving advice on cost controlling to ensure that the amount and agreed budget for the proposed construction project is still under control. This is important to not make client to facing any financial problems. By during the construction progress period, interim valuations and payment all prepare by Quantity Surveyor. Quantity Surveying will go to construction to do interim valuations to evaluate the work progress on site. After the evaluation, thus Quantity Surveying will prepare the interim progress payments for client. Interim payments thereafter will be claims by contractor. Besides, Quantity Surveyor also will be advise in client financial statements. Preparation of final account, agreement and the last settlement of contractual claims will be fully produced by quantity surveyors. Evolved role of Quantity Surveying/Surveyor Today, not only is the Quantity Surveyor generally regarded as indispensible on any major building contract, and often on civil and heavy engineering as well, but Quantity Surveyor also now being appointed as project manager, to take control of the proposed project from inception to completion and to coordinate the work of the design team and the main contractor and subcontractors. RICS (1983a) also pointed out that the Quantity Surveyors expertise had been further developed after 1971. For the construction project, Quantity Surveyor(s) are involved in the field of manpower planning, resources control and in assessing the effects of time. The filled of contracting, civil and industrial engineering construction, mechanical and electrical engineering services, and project management and control also relate to the Quantity Surveyor. That means the role of the Quantity Surveyor is extended in 1980s. The Quantity Surveyor involve complex resource procurement and management processes, besides deal with complex construction contracts; provides the basis for a disciplined and well managed approach to projects. In response to the potential demise of bills of quantities, Quantity Surveyor(s) began to exploring potential roles for their services. Procurement, a term no longer used until the 1980s, became an important area of activity, largely because of the increasing array of options that were available. As a Quantity Surveyor in evolved roles, QS should improve the quality of service and the matching of the known resources to suit for the requirement of clients. By referring to Seeley (1997) stated that the Quantity Surveyor not only regarded building contract and often as project manager on civil and heavy engineering contracts to control the project from inception to completion and coordinate with other parties to take over the works. Quantity Surveyor is an important member of the design team in both the public and private sectors to advising employers and architects on the probable costs of alternative designs. Thus, Quantity Surveyor will be more active and act more roles and character in evolved method. Future roles of Quantity Surveyor The industrys client has become increasingly concerned about the services provided. They have examined traditional contractual procedures, have found their lacking and have sought to create new services more appropriate to their needs. In general, they have been looking for results and improved value for money.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Possibility of Justice for All Essay -- Justice Fair Society Essay

The Possibility of Justice for All Works Cited Not Included Can there be justice for all? To answer this question I must first define what justice is. Justice is ?the quality of being just, impartial or fair? in your dealings with others according to Merriam Webster?s Collegiate Dictionary. Keeping that definition in mind, I now must turn to the Voices of Wisdom in order to find an example of a situation in which all parties feel that they are being treated justly. After examining examples such as: Euthanasia, discrimination based on sexual orientation, and equal opportunity offered within the book, it becomes clear to me that there is in fact no possible way for there to be justice for all because everyone?s judgement is in some way or another clouded by their own self interests. Euthanasia, people can decide exactly how they want to live but should we as a society allow them the right to decide exactly how they want to die? On the one hand you have the question ?is it just to kill someone or allow them to die when help is available The obvious answer is no of course not. This is a prime example of why there can be no justice for all, because on the other hand you have the question ?is it fair to force someone to live through unbearable pain in anticipation of an agonizing death The obvious answer to that question is also no. This is where our self-interests come into play. It is in the patient?s own self interests to die because it will ease her pain, but is not in mine to alleviate her of her life ?because death is final and irreversible?, and because ?euthanasia contains within it the possibility that [I] will work against [my] own interest if [I] practice it or allow it to be practiced on [others].? (J. G... ...o that principle affirmative action should be considered just in relationship to minorities. As a result, because equal opportunity legislation is not in accordance with the best self-interests of most white males but it is in accordance with those of most minorities, this is another example of a situation in which injustice is inevitable. After closely examining these three specific situations in which injustice?because of our natural tendency to look after our own best self-interests?is certain, it can be concluded that it is hopeless to try to attain such an idea as a society that is just for all. Because these perpetually unjust situations such as euthanasia, discrimination based on sexual preference, ideas like affirmative action or situations similar to these will most likely permanently exist, a society in which there is justice for all is unreachable.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Psychosis and Delusional New Macbeth Essay

Schizophrenics appear in our everyday life, yet many do not realize that they actually are there. Sometimes it is difficult to match a person to a disorder due to the various symptoms and traits that they may express. Yet, Macbeth shows a definite link to paranoid schizophrenia, vividly displaying symptoms such as hallucinations, delusion (paranoia), and apathy. Schizophrenia is described as â€Å"a mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of thought processes and of emotional responsiveness† (Wikipedia). Hallucinations involve putting one under the impression that things are completely real while awake, but instead have been created by the mind. Macbeth experiences multiple hallucinations, including a floating dagger, a ghost, and possibly witches. In the beginning of the story, Macbeth and his friend Banquo claim that they spoke to three â€Å"witches† who told them of their great futures. From there, an idea forms in Macbeth’s head: he was invincible. Although Banquo also viewed the three strange women, Macbeth and Banquo never discuss the invincibility Macbeth has now been aware of. Therefore, Macbeth could have hallucinated some of the strange women’s dialogue to his favor, believing it was completely valid. This leads one to the thought of emerging schizophrenia. Macbeth was in the correct age group for paranoid schizophrenia to take full control of a male’s body. Also, since he experiences multiple hallucinations and his once loyal personality turns violent, the diagnosis of schizophrenia becomes more and more prominent. Although many argue that Macbeth did not have schizophrenia and was just obsessed with power, the many hallucinations that he experienced help to counter that argument. Hallucinations are not extremely common (besides dreams) and often only occur with medical issues or drug use. When Macbeth is talked into killing Duncan, he hallucinates a floating dagger above him(Shakespeare, II. i. ), which almost taunts him. By hallucinating a violent object such as this, Macbeth proves to struggle with reality. Although Macbeth tells himself that it was â€Å"a dagger of the mind†, hallucinations experienced later in time become more and more realistic to him. This is shown when he believes Banquo’s ghost is present at a table. When Macbeth is asked to be seated, he replies â€Å"The table’s full. †(Shakespeare, III. iv. ). All the witnesses of Macbeth’s hallucination suspect him to be ill, for they did not see a full table in front of them. Since Macbeth’s hallucinations become more and more realistic to him, it is apparent for one to believe that paranoid schizophrenia is present. Heavily influenced by anxiety and/or fear, paranoid thoughts include beliefs that a individual is being threatened in some sort of way. Macbeth experiences paranoia towards Banquo further in the story, after meeting the three strange women (witches). Macbeth felt threatened by Banquo’s fortune of becoming king, and his loyalty to the current king. Due to this strong feeling of anxiety and fear, Macbeth ends up killing Banquo, giving into his paranoia. Delusions, or paranoia, can often â€Å"result in aggression or violence if you believe you must act in self-defense against those who want to harm you†(Mayo Clinic). The murder of Banquo by Macbeth produces no direct reasoning, only leaving another symptom of paranoid schizophrenia. Paranoia shows gradually, as this source says: The main symptom is permanent delusion. It should be kept in mind that there is delusion in schizophrenia also but in that case it is not permanent or organized. In paranoia the symptoms of delusion appear gradually, and the patient is sentimental, suspicious, irritable, introverted, depressed, obstinate, jealous, selfish, unsocial and bitter. (Depression Guide) The jealous, unsocial, and delusional â€Å"new† Macbeth helps the audience see the sudden change from the loyal, brave warrior to the raging, paranoid tyrant. Since Macbeth becomes a self-centered, power-hungry king; paranoia and delusion become more pronounced. The way Macbeth begins to treat his peers displays his changed morals and new sense of being threatened often. For example, when he finds out Lady Macbeth has died, he makes a speech basically about how worthless life is. This once loyal, brave, loving individual turned sour when this symptom became a characteristic for Macbeth. Those suffering from paranoid schizophrenia also bear with the symptom of apathy. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s relationship begins to deteriorate, causing bitter quarrels and rude confrontation. One could argue that this sudden change of relationship could be due to guilt, when paranoid schizophrenia could erupt just as suddenly. Symptoms such as hallucinations, paranoia, and apathy usually appear during the ages of 16 and 30. Schizophrenics can appear completely normal up until this age range. Though these individuals have had paranoid schizophrenia their entire life, the disabling brain disorder only begins to show at later stages in life. Since Macbeth was in this age range, it is certainly plausible that schizophrenia began to take control over during the story. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth begin to show issues with their marriage, due to many factors. Lady Macbeth had been distancing herself from Macbeth by unsexing herself to become more powerful. This distancing displayed by Lady Macbeth could have triggered the schizophrenic symptoms, along with the heavy guilt burdening Macbeth. When Lady Macbeth angrily asks â€Å"Are you a man? † to Macbeth (Shakespeare, III. iv. ), it helps Macbeth begin to realize how deep the distance between their relationship actually is. Apathy, an absence of emotion or enthusiasm, soon becomes a great part of Macbeth. Macbeth’s lack of emotional enthusiasm towards his marriage sends a red flag out to the audience. Although much of their marriage was not recorded in the story, the reader can pick up upon the many instances where apathy is shown by Macbeth. For instance, when Macbeth is told that Lady Macbeth has died he declares that life is worthless, and just â€Å"a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury† (Shakespeare, V. v. ). Since Macbeth did not display any grief for his lost wife, the audience becomes aware of how distanced their relationship actually was. If Macbeth did not have any apathy at all, he would be more intact to his emotions at this time of grief, rather than stating that life is pointless. Macbeth displays symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia including hallucinations, delusion (paranoia), and apathy, and therefore is schizophrenic. Macbeth significantly shows these symptoms in a vivid manner, helping the audience understand some reasoning behind his tactics. By understanding what paranoid schizophrenia is, and Macbeth’s story, many are able to realize the common ground shared by both. Although there is no successful way to prove if Macbeth did indeed have the disorder or not, since he is a fictional character in this play, it can certainly be stated that if Macbeth was displaying these symptoms today, one could diagnose him with paranoid schizophrenia with little hesitation. In a broader view, many characters in stories and plays could be interpreted to psychological disorders and unlock a certain â€Å"mystery† that the author may have, or may have not meant to leave for their audience to solve.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

College tuition Essay

College tuition soars, but aid grows along with it, students are paying up to 9% more to attend school. It is said that the lifetime earnings of a college graduate is at 1 million more than the overall earnings of someone with only a high school diploma. So in the end something good is coming out of spending the money to graduate from college. How are the students affected and how may it affect schools, why is tuition increasing, and what are the colleges doing with the revenues they receive. Students are affected by this increase because they are forced to take out larger loans, work full time or may even have to take fewer classes. They face opportunity costs because they are willing to sacrifice working for school hoping that school will help them more in the end. This increase not only affects the student, but the parents as well, that means that taxpayers are subsidizing a smaller share of the cost of their state universities, while students and their parents are paying an even larger slice. State funding now accounts for about 36% of revenues at public colleges, down from 45% in 1980, while tuition accounts for 19% of state university revenue, up from 13% twenty years ago. Tuition, room and board, plus the cost of books transportation and other expenses have all increased. States have been warned for months of big tuition increases because falling state revenues have forced them to cut the subsidies they provide their public universities. Colleges both public and private attribute rising tuition because of increase in faculty salaries and rising technology also construction costs. Students want better computer labs, high speed internet connections, lavish dormitories, and high tech fitness centers somebody has to pay for these accommodations after all there is â€Å"no free lunch†. Tuition at public colleges just took its biggest jump in a quarter century. Tuition at four-year public colleges and universities is up to 9. 6% from a year ago, or about seven times the rate of inflation. Private college tuition increased by 5. 8% and tuition at community colleges where laid off workers go for retraining during a weak economy. Increased by 7. 9%. Private college tuition rose to an average $18,273 but combined with living costs, books and transportation, that comes to a total of 27, 677 a year, community colleges remained the higher education bargain at 1,735 but when other costs are added, even they total $10, 458. College tuition soars, but aid grows along with it students are paying up to 9% more to attend school. Prices may be going up for tuition, but it seems like its for a good cause when the money is used to improve campus living and student well being. Students and parents may be paying an extra 7-9%, but financial aid has also increased to those who really need financial assistance. The price jumps for four year public colleges was an increase of 9. 6%, four year private college 5. 8%, and community college7. 9% these increases could be accredited to the increase of staff. Hopefully when the students graduate, they will make all the money back they spent, and plus more.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Genetic Testing essays

Genetic Testing essays How do you feel about genetic testing? Genetic testing is a very controversial issue, especially in the workplace. Genetic testing could determine if personnel might possibly develop illnesses and side effects due to exposure of chemicals in the workplace. Yet, the use of genetic testing also brings fear of the outcome of the testing. All articles that I have researched support the utilitarian perspective, which verifies that genetic testing is not a valid measure to determine hereditary diseases and should not be used for employment purposes. However, the deontological perspective would be that genetic testing is moral when it is used properly, controlled and regulated by the appropriate agencies. Genetic testing most definitely has its benefits. Knowledge about a genetic tendency toward a disease can help a person take steps to prevent it altogether or lessen its severity when the disease does strike. Yet, people who might benefit from knowing the about the possibility of inheriting a risk for certain diseases may shy away from genetic testing, or other family history information, due to their fear that employers will use that knowledge to deny job opportunities or health insurance. The actual testing will identify those that are susceptible to contracting a disease, but is not to be used as a means of diagnostic measures. However, there is a large amount of concern about the potential misuse of genetic information being available to employers. Testing would identify employees or potential employees who are unusually susceptible to workplace risks, or whose genetic makeup could be adversely affected by exposure to workplace toxins. While these results would not only be in the best interest of the employer, but also the employee, there are definite negative aspects to testing. Testing may identify employees or potential employees who may become prematurely unable to work, or who are ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Truth vs Happiness in Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example

Truth vs Happiness in Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example Truth vs Happiness in Fahrenheit 451 Essay Truth vs Happiness in Fahrenheit 451 Essay Essay Topic: Fahrenheit 451 Submitted on Wednesday, March 27th Submitted By: William Would you rather be happy in your life and live in ignorance or would you rather live your life with more of a purpose? Even if that purpose means doing things that most people would frown upon. This is one of the conflicts the characters face in the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 451 is a book about a fireman named Guy Montag. In his society fireman start fires rather than put them out. Most fires started by the firemen are fires in which they burn books.Most books are not allowed and the firemen have to be called to burn them. In this book Montag appears to be a by the book firemen early on but as the book continues you learn he has his doubts about his work and if he is really happy at all with the current life he is living. In Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury believes that it is better to know the truth about your life and live with purpose than to live your life happy in ignorance. In the book Bradbury proves this in a few ways. One way it did this is when Guy Montag first met Clarrisse and started questioning what was wrong with the society that they lived in at the time.When Montag started to do the same it eventually gave him a new purpose in life and started giving him the ability to have real relationships and actually become happy with his life instead of just being happy in ignorance like most of the other people in the city he lived in. It also opened his eyes to a different world of knowledge and showed him that his old life was a lie. Those are a few examples from the book showing that Ray Bradbury believed it is more important to live your life with purpose than to be happy in ignorance.One way Ray Bradbury showed that knowing the truth about your life is more important than being happy in ignorance is showed by the way Montag’s life completely changed after he discovered the truth about his life. After he realized he was living in ignorance it gave him a new purpose in his life. The event in the book that I believe started this realization is when he was asked Are you happy (15). This is a question Montag is asked by Clarrisse. This simple question really shook Montag up and made him really think about what was going on in his life and made him find out he is actually not appy. After knowing this Montag starts to actually stand up for what he believes in which gives him a new purpose in life. He starts to talk to an old English professor named Faber about almost trying to start a revolution of sorts. Plant the books, turn in an alarm and see the firemen’s houses burn (85). That’s the good part of dying; when you have nothing to lose, you run any risk you want (85). Those are two quotes of Montag talking to Faber. Those quotes are significant because they symbolized Montag becoming a completely changed person.They show that he is serious about standing up for what he believes in now and that he has found a new purpose in his life. It is the beginning of Montag’s new life and is an example of him no longer living his life in ignorance. That is one way that Ray Bradbury shows that it is more important to know the truth then be happy living in ignorance. Another way Ray Bradbury demonstrated that the truth is more important than being happy living a lie is how his social relationships changed after starting to think about the truth more. It was almost like he was a different person.Instead of continuing to have some pointless conversations like some people had in the book. You really start finding out about all the pointless conversations in the book on page 31 when Clarrisse says People don’t talk about anything She later says They name a lot of cars or clothes or swimming pools mostly and say how swell! But they say the same thing and nobody says anything different from anyone else. (31) After Guy had been talking to Clarrisse for a while you begin to realize that she has really changed the way he communicates with people and he begins to start having real conversations with people.An example of this is when on page 29 when Clarrisse asks him a question about children to which he replies It was a good question. It has been awhile since anyone cared enough to ask a good question. Montag’s answer shows that it is something he had never really put a lot of thought into until actually being asked the question by Clarrisse. That is another way that Ray Bradbury showed that it is better to live your life with purpose and know the truth about it rather than be happy in ignorance.The last way Ray Bradbury proved in that it is better to know the truth about your life than live in ignorance in Fahrenheit 451 is how after Montag got a purpose in his live it opened his eyes to a different world and showed him his old life was a lie. He actually started to be happy opposed to just thinking he was happy while living in ignorance. The first time you realize that Montag started off living in ignorance is after he is asked if he is happy he laughs and says Happy! Of all the nonsense, He stopped laughing. 10) This quote shows that Montag had thought he was happy but actually shows that he was just happy in ignorance. After Montag learns the truth about his life it opens his eyes to a new world of literature. Montag’s lack of knowledge about books is demonstrated when he is t alking to Faber on page 85 and says Are things like that in books? But it came off the top of my mind. This is significant because it shows that Montag is willing to learn about books and that some books may open him up to a world outside of the censorship he lives in.As the book goes on and Montag learns the truth about his life his opinions on things change drastically. This is shown when he is talking about leaving Mildred behind in the city and he says Even if she dies, I realized a moment age, I don’t think I will feel sad. It isn’t right. Something must be wrong with me. (155) This quote is significant because it shows that Montag it demonstrates that Montag is a changed man and he wouldn’t feel sad his wife died because he was not happy with his wife or his life prior to learning the truth.In Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury shows that it is more important to know the truth about something than it is to necessarily be happy about it. He demonstrates this by s howing that it is more important to live your life with purpose than it is to always be happy in your life. A moral to be learned from this is that it is better to tell people the truth, even if you think that telling the truth might hurt somebody’s feelings. It can be applied to real life in many situations when you have to decide to tell the truth or tell a lie. In the end whoever said The truth hurts wasn’t lying.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Benefits of Therapy and Christianity

I have found a lot about myself and how to deal with many problems for myself and others. I will learn to become more important in the classroom and the real world. This course helped me overcome worry of concern. When I first entered the class, I was not sure of myself, but I first got to know myself and other things at first by seeing my inner self and the outside self . I am always goal-oriented and I generally know the life I desire. This course will help me understand myself better. Christian counseling is a type of psychotherapy that emphasizes the importance of relationships between humans and God. Christian counseling correctly understands and treats patients using psychology of Christian psychology. Both Christian psychology and Christian counseling can help people to understand themselves psychologically and in the eyes of God. This special form of counseling combines individual's own religious perspectives to create a more personalized form of treatment. Supporters of toda y's most convincing conversion therapy are often institutions that treat fundamental Christian groups and homosexuals with religious grounds rather than as ill. The main organization advocating secular transformation therapy is the National Association for Homosexuality Research and Treatment (NARTH), which often cooperates with religious organizations. Conversion therapy techniques used in the United States and Western Europe before 1981 include treatment of hysterectomy, chemical castration and hormone therapy, treatment of aversion to things such as giving an electric shock to opponents and genitals, nausea Simultaneous administration with drugs causing homologous stimulation and masturbation repair

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethnography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethnography - Essay Example Ethnography refers to a collection of qualitative methods usually utilized in social sciences. These qualitative methods in most cases focus on close observation of social interactions and practises. These methods used in ethnography enable a researcher to interpret as well as build on theories that outline the occurrence of a given social process, the reasons that underlie a given occurrence within the society (Andrew, 1988: p.45). Ethnography studies the social interactions of people within a given society, their perceptions, as well as, their behaviors in relation to particular communities, organizations, teams and groups. The roots of this study trace down to the anthropological studies of rural minute areas, usually from a very remote setting. The central aim of this policy is to determine the provision of a rich as well as holistic insight into the views and actions of people. In addition, this study also considers their nature such as the sights and sounds within their environ ment or the location of their residence. The collection of this information follows several outlined features about the cultures of a give society. As such, there are several policy issues outlining the ethnography tendencies within the society (Clifford, 2013). ... As such, ethnography entails a graphical representation as well as in writing of a particular culture of a group within the society. As such, the relevant authorities come up with different policies that follow the concept of ethnocentrism (Hoey, 2013). An understanding of ethnography enables these companies to trade properly in new areas with different cultures from those of their homeland. In addition, it enables these organizations to dispel ethnocentrism from leaders or management teams of their organizations. Ethnocentrism is the tendency to overlook the cultures of other groups or factions in the society. An ethnocentric person feels that other cultures are inferior to theirs, and as such, assumes that his or her culture is the best in the society. Furthermore, he or she ends up making critical management decisions based on their culture, irrespective of the cultures surrounding the communities within which his or her organization operates. For instance, an American company ope rating in Kuwait appoints an ethnocentric individual to head the delegation. Kuwait has a very different culture compared to the American culture. As such, it is very wrong for a manager from the United States to impose American cultures on Kuwait nationals when operating in their home country. On the contrary, this American manager should try to operate like a native from Kuwait (Egger, 2008: p.94). The most common policies of the study of ethnocentrism occur in the investment and expansion analysis of multinational corporations. Most of these companies that expand into foreign territories foe market expansions as well as exploitation of investment opportunities have to

English project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English project - Assignment Example I have in the process made meaningful progress and built long lasting relationships with people around me in my profession. I believe I have the right credentials in having experience, exposure, on-the-job expertise and technical knowledge to undertake the role of a System Analyst your organisation I have also had interactions with leading scholars and researchers in the field of technology and electronics to supplement my knowledge and have an ongoing association with the academia of my college. This puts me to an advantage to serve the role of junior research assistant and not only work on a continuous basis but keep learning, innovating and growing in due course of my career. My academic track record has been fair enough to qualify as a prerequisite for the rigour and consistency required in this role in an extremely niche, interesting and cutting edge area. I believe, I will be able to integrate all my learning and provide my services through my experiences, interactions and lear ning in a wholesome manner. Cover Letter: To, Recruiting Head, The Human Resource Department, Name of Company. Ref: Application for the post of System Analyst Dear Sir, This is requesting your attention on my interest for the role of a system analyst in your company. I would like to say that I have been a part of the Saudi Oger Company for the last 1 year 3 years and acquired knowledge and job experience. I have also trained professionals and mentored juniors in my area of specialised knowledge which is customer support and people management. To add to my credentials, I bear a consistent academic track record all through my academic career. I have specific interest in entering into the customer service departments in the capacity of a team Lead or a System Analyst and put to use the learning and experience I’ve had over the past 1 year. To add to my learning and professional exposure I also play soccer and believe in a healthy life style. I would like you to consider my appli cation and go through my profile and credentials attached. I look forward to a positive reply and anticipate the best. Regards, Thank You Letter: To, Recruiting Head, The Human Resource Department, Name of Company Ref: Application for the post of System Analyst Dear Sir, I write to you expressing my sincere appreciation for the time you’ve taken out in arranging our discussion. I have absorbed the moments well and enjoyed the discussion we had centred on the job opportunity as a System Analyst. The information shared by you was highly valuable and I appreciate the effort you put in sharing your valuable insights related to the Technology and customer service industry and my career path in general. I thank you once again for your valuable time and sincerely look forward to your reply. Anticipating the best. Regards, Resume Full Name Address Phone Number Email id Career Objectives: 1. To continuously learn and apply acquired skills in doing meaningful and productive work 2. To strike a balance between my professional and personal life 3. To learn and grow as an all round individual Academic Background Institute Year of Passing Aggregate Riyadh College of Technology 2009 3.4 GPA Technical Capabilities: Software Languages, Platforms, Subjects Professional Capabilities: People Management,

Political Campaigns and the Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political Campaigns and the Internet - Essay Example â€Å"Americans spend more time surfing the internet than anyone else in the world, with users clocking up an average of nearly 28 hours a month.† (Paris, 2011). The access time spent on the internet by the American people has caught special attention of campaign planners for political parties and they are now focusing more carefully on website designing, blog generations, personalize emails and podcasts. Social networking sites are also getting more and more attention of these planners because social networking can target specific groups very easily for the fundraising, campaign and convincing. The Presidency election of 2008 had given birth to new domains in internet driven political campaigns and fundraising activities. The emergence of internet as a new medium of communication and campaign has changed the way political activities were supposed to be planned and carried out in the past. The ‘Change’ slogan was undoubtedly applied forcefully to the use of intern et at the largest scale in the campaign of the President Obama in 2008. â€Å"One of the many ways that the election of Barack Obama as president has echoed that of John F. Kennedy is his use of a new medium that will forever change politics. For Mr. Kennedy, it was television. For Mr. Obama, it is the Internet.† (Cain, 2008). The use of internet is beneficial for both the political parties and the audiences and political campaigns are now moving towards the ‘paperless campaign’ arena where there will be not broachers, pamphlets. Sooner or later these and many other conventional mean of political campaigns will turn into obsolete techniques and fast pace of information communication will also take over the political campaigns as well. The use of internet is specially beneficial because it has reduced the campaign costs dramatically. Internet when compared to other advertising mediums and technique is not only affordable for low budgeted campaigns but also very ef fective and amazingly fast technology. â€Å"The internet is a high-return, low-cost means of dispensing information. Campaigns can establish an internet presence for a very modest amount, compared to the costs of many other forms of advertising.† (Trent, 2008). The audiences of political campaigns are now better off with the introduction of internet and electronic media in campaigns. The can directly read the written policy statements and agendas of political parties and their leaders. Additionally, audience can easily compare and contrast these policies with those of other candidates in the same constituency. The can get the latest new and updates in a fraction of second without time consuming political gatherings and meetings. Today’s voter or prospect supporter is busier than ever before and the political campaigns consultants are aware of the limitations of their target audiences. They facilitate their voters with personalize emails for all political update, party stance, voting regulation changes, polling station details and many other information that may save their time and avoid any botheration. The fund-raising is far easier and rewarding through internet then conventional letters and television campaigns. Those expensive and time consuming fund raising campaigns are now replaced with the personalized emails sent to targeted political

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Process Analysis and Measurement Paper (Wal-Mart is the Essay

Business Process Analysis and Measurement Paper (Wal-Mart is the organization) - Essay Example Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is the major retail organization in the United States which has been given number one rank on the Fortune 500 Index by Fortune Magazine (Hayden, Lee, McMahon, & Pereira, 2002). The Wal-Marts massive and great size, makes it wields incredible power and economic king. It has driven lesser retailers out of commerce; forced companies to be well-organized, frequently leading these suppliers to move industrial jobs overseas; and changed the methods that up till now large and established organizations were using. Wal-Mart has existence or death decisions over all the customer supplies industries that survive in the US, for the reason that it is the number-one supplier-retailer of the majority of customer goods, they sell not only toys, clothes, and shoes as well as home applications, electronic goods, sporting products, food, bicycles, groceries (Anderson, 2003). Wal-Mart has long been attached in world’s economy. The stores have facilitated customers to carry ou t most of their shopping in one convenient place, for that reason cutting down the quantity of time needed to carry out our shopping contrasted to going all over city to shop for what customers want on everyday basis. In recent times, people have been arguing whether Wal-Mart is in actual beneficiary or not to the financial system, and regarding the method it delights its employees. One group of such type calls its self the Wal-Mart watch and they are a set of widespread persons that share similar visions on how Wal-Mart is damaging to the economy and how poorly it treats its workers On the other hand there are community who almost beg Wal-Mart to approach to their city or town and construct a Wal-Mart shopping center (Bianco & Zellner, 2003). This section is presents the detailed analysis of the main four processes that the Wal-Mart uses to determine process performance in their daily business. The basic and most important intention and Wal-Mart are not direct competitors for the

Crime Scene Documentation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crime Scene Documentation - Assignment Example In these cases, the accused is always acquitted as charges levelled against him/her cannot stand due to the malicious acts of the officers of destroying evidence that the court was to rely on. In the case State v. Blair 2013 Ohio 1270, the second district appellate court dismissed an indictment as a result of a law enforcement officer destroying a materially exculpatory video, which the defence was set to rely on in the case. The felony that was committed in this particular case was an assault, which was made on a law enforcement officer (Acker & Brody, 2013). There is a legal standard that is in place that bars the state from convicting the defendant in the following circumstances; if the state and in this case the prosecution together with case investigators fail to preserve â€Å"materially exculpatory evidence† or if the state acts in bad faith to destroy evidence that is potentially useful (Acker & Brody, 2013). In any scenario if the evidence involved is classified as materially exculpatory it is not the defendants duty proving that the state acted in bad faith to the court destroying the evidence however, the defendant only needs to prove to the court, it was the sole duty of the state to preserve that particular evidence despite destruction occurring either due to negligence or in bad faith (Gorelick & Solum, 2009). In so doing, the defendant has a duty to convince the court on the importance of the evidence to that particular case (Acker & Brody, 2013). This case involved a situation whereby a police officer tried to arrest a young man. The man in this case Blair tried to resist arrest as the officer had not fully explained to him the felony he had committed. The police officer decided to manhandle Blair by kicking him and choking him in order to arrest him successfully. Thus, in the process, there was a by-passer who was watching the whole incident and recorded it on his cell phone but noticing, the police

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Political Campaigns and the Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political Campaigns and the Internet - Essay Example â€Å"Americans spend more time surfing the internet than anyone else in the world, with users clocking up an average of nearly 28 hours a month.† (Paris, 2011). The access time spent on the internet by the American people has caught special attention of campaign planners for political parties and they are now focusing more carefully on website designing, blog generations, personalize emails and podcasts. Social networking sites are also getting more and more attention of these planners because social networking can target specific groups very easily for the fundraising, campaign and convincing. The Presidency election of 2008 had given birth to new domains in internet driven political campaigns and fundraising activities. The emergence of internet as a new medium of communication and campaign has changed the way political activities were supposed to be planned and carried out in the past. The ‘Change’ slogan was undoubtedly applied forcefully to the use of intern et at the largest scale in the campaign of the President Obama in 2008. â€Å"One of the many ways that the election of Barack Obama as president has echoed that of John F. Kennedy is his use of a new medium that will forever change politics. For Mr. Kennedy, it was television. For Mr. Obama, it is the Internet.† (Cain, 2008). The use of internet is beneficial for both the political parties and the audiences and political campaigns are now moving towards the ‘paperless campaign’ arena where there will be not broachers, pamphlets. Sooner or later these and many other conventional mean of political campaigns will turn into obsolete techniques and fast pace of information communication will also take over the political campaigns as well. The use of internet is specially beneficial because it has reduced the campaign costs dramatically. Internet when compared to other advertising mediums and technique is not only affordable for low budgeted campaigns but also very ef fective and amazingly fast technology. â€Å"The internet is a high-return, low-cost means of dispensing information. Campaigns can establish an internet presence for a very modest amount, compared to the costs of many other forms of advertising.† (Trent, 2008). The audiences of political campaigns are now better off with the introduction of internet and electronic media in campaigns. The can directly read the written policy statements and agendas of political parties and their leaders. Additionally, audience can easily compare and contrast these policies with those of other candidates in the same constituency. The can get the latest new and updates in a fraction of second without time consuming political gatherings and meetings. Today’s voter or prospect supporter is busier than ever before and the political campaigns consultants are aware of the limitations of their target audiences. They facilitate their voters with personalize emails for all political update, party stance, voting regulation changes, polling station details and many other information that may save their time and avoid any botheration. The fund-raising is far easier and rewarding through internet then conventional letters and television campaigns. Those expensive and time consuming fund raising campaigns are now replaced with the personalized emails sent to targeted political

Crime Scene Documentation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Crime Scene Documentation - Assignment Example In these cases, the accused is always acquitted as charges levelled against him/her cannot stand due to the malicious acts of the officers of destroying evidence that the court was to rely on. In the case State v. Blair 2013 Ohio 1270, the second district appellate court dismissed an indictment as a result of a law enforcement officer destroying a materially exculpatory video, which the defence was set to rely on in the case. The felony that was committed in this particular case was an assault, which was made on a law enforcement officer (Acker & Brody, 2013). There is a legal standard that is in place that bars the state from convicting the defendant in the following circumstances; if the state and in this case the prosecution together with case investigators fail to preserve â€Å"materially exculpatory evidence† or if the state acts in bad faith to destroy evidence that is potentially useful (Acker & Brody, 2013). In any scenario if the evidence involved is classified as materially exculpatory it is not the defendants duty proving that the state acted in bad faith to the court destroying the evidence however, the defendant only needs to prove to the court, it was the sole duty of the state to preserve that particular evidence despite destruction occurring either due to negligence or in bad faith (Gorelick & Solum, 2009). In so doing, the defendant has a duty to convince the court on the importance of the evidence to that particular case (Acker & Brody, 2013). This case involved a situation whereby a police officer tried to arrest a young man. The man in this case Blair tried to resist arrest as the officer had not fully explained to him the felony he had committed. The police officer decided to manhandle Blair by kicking him and choking him in order to arrest him successfully. Thus, in the process, there was a by-passer who was watching the whole incident and recorded it on his cell phone but noticing, the police

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The toxicity of chemicals Essay Example for Free

The toxicity of chemicals Essay Remedy I would not endorse hazardous waste landfill, waste treatment plant, deep injection well, or incinerators near a residential community because of the hazardous threats brought by the chemicals. Even though they are built so that the trash of chemical plants and the residue from pest control, there are some instance where there is a leakage that can harm the community. Hazardous waste landfills are built so that the waste from chemical processes can be dumped in this area. They are designed to resist the power of the chemicals. A deep injection well is a special kind waste landfill where the chemical residues are injected on the soil so that not to penetrate more from the environment and to the atmosphere. While a waste treatment plant treats the chemicals that lessen the impact of hazards of the chemicals. They used methods and even chemicals to in order for the hazardous chemical power be minimized. While an incinerators burned chemicals in a combustion chambers. All these methods are almost perfect because they are designed by engineers to minimize the effects of hazardous chemicals. But somewhat they have drawbacks. If people who operate this kind of methods did not operate well and accurate, they are big chances that the community will be getting toxic. And this consumes more land that must be used by the people in the community. (Network, 2005) The most practical way to response to this problem is to locate a dumping site or a site that will be building up by the waste treatment plant, deep injection well, or incinerators that is far from a community. In this way, the toxicity of chemicals that can affect the health of people can be minimized. But the most remedy to this problem is to minimize the use of chemicals that harms the human health as well as the environment. We must seek on the natural ways in preventing pest in our farms. Reference: Network, S. W. A. (2005). Landfill. Retrieved February 20, 2007, from http://www. ccthita-swan. org/Tutorials/landfill. cfm

Monday, October 14, 2019

History Of Public And Commercial Leisure Provision

History Of Public And Commercial Leisure Provision Leisure can be defined as the process whereby everyone gets freedom from lengthy duties and everyday jobs. Roberts describes leisure as the relatively freely chosen non-work area of life. This shows that leisure can be done anytime or when the body call for it. The demand of recreation is constantly increasing, therefore leisure providers try to do as much as possible to attract people and make all kinds of profit in all the ways they can. The leisure provision can be divided into two sectors: first one is public which is provided by the government. Torkildsen (2005, p.131) describes it as provided by a public authority or by legislation for the general use of public. The second one is commercial sector, presented by private industries that are willing to give luxury leisure in return for money. However, their aim is to gain financial profit and an adequate return of investment Tordkilsen (2005, p.193). As we have been asked to write about leisure providers in this essay we will be looking through the history of the two sectors that are involved in the topic, by discussing the different types of organizations within them and saying who benefits from it by trying to explain why these sectors run leisure facilities. History of public and commercial leisure provision Leisure existed during ancient period as part of everyday life. As soon as it attracted more people, different providers of amusement have emerged. First signs of this division are dated on 18th century. In this period aristocracy provided exclusive sport like fox-hunting, horse-racing, shooting, to those who were socially qualified Cunningham (1980, p.17). In other words, it was for wealthy people that often possessed a land. In these circumstances gentlemen (people from middle class) and also gentry (those who had independent income but no land) created their own clubs and often met in assembly rooms. Taverns and public houses provided leisure for labourers, small manufacturers and poor people. Among them the most favourite amusements were dog-fights, cock-fights or bull-beatings. The second half of 18th century to 19th has brought significant social and industrial changes, which also had an impact on leisure provision. During this time people were moving from villages and small towns to cities. It caused overcrowding, increase of crime, poverty and longer hours of work. People could not enjoy leisure and space as they used to do. The most common behaviours were drinking and gambling. That is why important reforms had to take place. The 19th century has changed peoples thinking about what the leisure really was. Reformers were deeply concerned about three different aspects which include welfare of children, urban life with no opportunity for healthy exercise and recreation and encouraging governments to act against social injustice and hardship of masses. As a result of that improvement, government has created Physical Training and Recreation Act 1937, which enabled people access to the leisure facilities. Employers recognized the importance of providing leisu re to their employees and they started to create social and sports clubs in order to fulfil their needs. In 20th century also people from working class started to demand leisure. Public baths, houses and music halls became available not only for wealthy people, but also for those poorer. Leisure gained more recognition after the introduction of cinema, spectator sports and television, which came ultimately as a result of two World Wars. Finally, in 1960 the actual picture of leisure was developed as we know it today. Different organizations within public and commercial sector In current times, we can see clear division of leisure providers. The sectors we will be discussing are public sector and commercial one as a part of the private sector. Both sectors provides leisure and recreation facilities in a wide range. Public sector organizations are those owned by the government. This can be national government or local government Tribe, J. (2005, p.26) Source: Adapted from Tribe J., (2005, p.25) Facilities which are provided by public sector are accessible to us in two different ways. First, is an access without any fee. Examples of them are urban parks, playgrounds, libraries, picnic areas, nature trails, beaches and country parks. They are supported with rates and taxes we pay to concerned authorities. The other way of getting those services is to pay in order to use them. These facilities include swimming pools, playing fields, golf courses, marinas, arts centres, theatres and sports centres. If the leisure is not provided by local authorities, it may include difficulties in affording those facilities. Young people would not have an access to their culture and usage of open land for other purposes like supermarkets and car parks etc. That is why central government provides leisure open for general use. This governing body is responsible for making decisions on major policy and establishes the way in which local government can act. Office of the Deputy Prime Minister is a link between Local and Central governments. Therefore, it has significant influence on leisure itself. For instance, the ODPM is responsible for planning improvements such as increasing standards of leisure facilities. Another important department in central government is DCMS (Department of Culture, Media and Sport). This department has a responsibility of providing policy on: The Arts, sport, The National Lottery, libraries, museums and galleries, broadcasting, film, press freedom and regulation, The Historic Environment and tourism. Another sector, which is engaged in providing leisure, is private sector. Although it is divided for voluntary, which is non-profit making and commercial, our case of study will be only the commercial part of it. Private sector organizations are those which are non-government-owned. They can be further sub-divided into profit-making organizations and non-profit-making organizations Tribe, J. (2005, p.26) Source: Adapted from Tribe J., (2005, p.25) Commercial sector is a part of private sector which does not include voluntary organizations. Their activity is mainly directed to make financial profit from users of those services. They try to meet the demand of consumers but it is very hard to do it on current market. The main purpose of commercial sector is to achieve a financial profit or adequate return of investment. It does not exclude benefit in other sectors, but their predominant aims are different. Examples of commercial market are sport clubs, squash clubs, bowling, themed restaurants, amusement parks, holiday camps or cinemas. Commercial organizations do not have an intrinsic interest in leisure and recreation, in and of itself, but in leisure as a source of profit Torkildsen, G. (2004, p. 249) There is a correlation between both sectors mentioned above. When commercial sector creates new market, it tries to reach the highest level of productivity. After that, when they have to invest more money again, it is more beneficial for them to create a new market rather than invest outlay on the previous one. In these circumstances commercial sector puts strain on public sector, because the demand has been created already. If commercial sector do not want to work on it any longer, public sector is expected to do it. Commercial sector is often run by entrepreneurs. There are thousands of businesses involved in commercial sector, but they have been taken over by multinational companies. As a result of this the choices of products that are sold in the market are limited. In order to reduce risk factor in current economic recession period, business people have to sell the businesses in which they may not be good but concentrate on a vertical supply chain. Both sectors have to attract potential clients or lose profit. In the past both sectors dealt with different activities of their own range, but now they have been overlapped in most part of their business. Who benefits Leisure is something that people indulge in their everyday life; according to Doggett and OMahoney (1991, p.23) it is important because it enhances the quality of life in society. Leisure is an activity that can take place anywhere. Roberts (1978, p.125) says individuals can use their leisure for recreation. Alternatively, however, they can spend their time and money in their families, on their homes, in education and other mainstream institutions. Elaborating on this, it shows that people can choose whatever way they wanted to spend their leisure time without being disturbed. The two types of sectors we have, public and commercial, exist to give entertainment to local communities. But although they have the same assumption, they both offer various kinds of amusement (as mentioned above) and both give benefit in their own different ways. Commercial providers invest in and manage public sector facilities; the public sector offers high quality health and fitness opportunities, which have traditionally been offered by the commercial sector, while the voluntary and commercial sector are beginning to establish partnerships primarily for the benefit of customers of commercial facilities The Higher Education Academy (2005) [Online]. Still, it is mostly the people in the leisure industry that benefit the most, especially within the commercial sector, which is a dominant one in United Kingdom, as they provide leisure and service in return of money. Commercial sector is directed towards two groups of customers: those with disposable income and tourist. They as the wealthy people are able to make bigger profit for the company. This sector only give discounts or buy a package and get the other free or half price. It is a completely profit orientated part of leisure industry. However, most customers get refund, if they did not enjoy the leisure that was provided for them by the companies. On the other hand, it gives a lot of opportunities as far as employment is concerned, this sector delivers it. Moreover, it revenues income from abroad and drives development within the country. Practical advice for business [Online]. Public sector is provided by the government and local authorities in order to give equality to people, to make leisure accessible for those, who cannot afford it it raises the quality of life. Among leisure there are many sports facilities which help its users to stay healthy and fit, for example by tackling obesity. Public sector is also responsible for enabling the disabled access to these facilities. What is more, it supplies several kinds of discounts for various kinds of people. One of them is free theatre entry for people under 26 years, to encourage them to use that leisure facility and to make them more familiar to the culture. Also the elderly (over 75) have a cheaper access to many services. There are many local societies within this sector, like Woodhouse Road Family Life Centre for example, which is a group that brings together older people from the local community The Higher Education Academy (2005) [Online]. Older people can attend the meetings to have fun and remain a ctive and sociable The Higher Education Academy (2005) [Online]. So, in public sector it is not only about various facilities, sometimes just mutual support is enough. It is directed toward socially excluded people people are out of work, with low income and ethnic and disabled communities. Generally, this sector is responsible for providing leisure to everybody for free, so every participant is the one who receives a benefit. There is also a lot of support from European Union. Governments can get grants to make an improvement within their countries and local authorities are also able to develop leisure facilities within the cities. This makes citizens proud of the place they live; they have more places to go to and to entertain themselves. Such actions decrease hooliganism by reducing anti social behaviour and attract tourist and event co-ordinations. Specific reasons why public and commercial sector run leisure facilities Local authorities and societies play essential role in providing, supporting and developing leisure and sports opportunities. As local authority have different types of health services such as free consultancy and distribution of drugs (medicine) to the people in need. However local authority is the important part of a borough that keeps in touch with leisure and recreational activities. They are responsible for scheduling new improvement for protecting the environment and for improving the quality of life through local transport initiatives or better green spaces. In sort, local authorities have a significant direct impact on the success of communities. Public sectors really help to developed new supports to the people such as best athletic development and provide funding for developing new sport policies. Sports and recreational conveniences are offered by together private and public sectors. Mostly health centres and fitness clubs are organized by local authorities in the local areas. According to visitor survey by Tourism South East 2004/05 Leisure and Recreation [Online] in England about 13.5 million tourists visited The National Park. The National Park provides a most popular entertaining resource for the visitors living within and around the area, and also attracts several tourist from corner to corner of southern England and on a national scale as well. New developments within leisure also have positive impact of other ways; Leisure and recreation contributes can change the image of a city and lead to increased private savings. The main reason behind the existence of commercial sector is to make a profit. Commercial sector is responsible for delivering quality services for the people with disposable income. Also the particular facilities like swimming pools, which require a lot of maintenance, are only provided by commercial sector. The reason for the provision of swimming pools by commercial sector is that they have got sufficient amount of money for the maintenance work. As the competition is inevitable in this sector so they are concentrating more on the quality of services. These sectors run leisure services because off several reasons such as creating awareness and keeping society healthy. According to Miller the globalization of sport has also created hyper-competitive worldwide surroundings where many nations try to find their moment of fame on the world sport stage. Hoye et al, (2009, p.17). It is important that local communities have access to range of entertainment, arts, sports and recreational facilities for enjoyment. Local councils provide wide range of leisure and sports services including sports pitches, playing fields and playgrounds. Local authorities provide public parks and open spaces for older citizen and people in need. Arts centres venues and theatres, galleries and museums are also run by local communities. Local authorities also conduct various festivals, sporting and culture events. Providing leisure amenities from local establishment are very beneficial for native people. As local authorities have variety of entertainment and rel axation activities. People can find all facilities easily and cheaper then managing on themselves. Local authorities will motivate people towards healthy life style, by investing more money in sport and leisure facilities. Local authorities always have great emphasizes on promoting leisure and sports in the local areas. Conclusions After all of our considerations about the given topic, we came to the following conclusions. Leisure is not a new phenomenon; it has been existing as a part and parcel of our lives since ancient times. There is a wide range of different organizations dealing with the provision of leisure and recreation facilities. The services provided by local authorities are easily accessible to each class of community. On the other hand, leisure facilities provided by commercial sector are for those people, who have disposable income. The services provided by both sectors constitute to the high quality of life and nations health. It is beneficial to invest in both sectors as they are growing dramatically and the needs and demands of the people would be lasting in coming future. From the Travel and Tourism point of view, we can say that, tourists are able to use only a few services, provided by local authorities or voluntary sector, but they can use all the facilities provided by commercial sector as every facility is available to them after payment. As far as Events opinion is concerned, the situation here looks similar to the one above. People participating in events can enjoy those provided by both public and commercial sector equally, even if they are not citizens of given place.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Human Resource Interview Essay -- essays research papers fc

Human Resource Management Interview Contents I. Introduction...............................1 II. Organization Information...................1 III. Background Information.....................2 IV. Role of Human Resources....................3 V. Performance Appraisals.....................5 VI. Closing....................................6 VII. Works Cited................................7 Introduction Human resource management is part of the human resource approach, which is evidently geared to allow organizations to benefit in two significant ways: increasing in the organization’s effectiveness and satisfying all of the employee’s needs. Organizational goals and employee needs are considered mutual and compatible in this approach, instead of simply addressing them as separate things. In other words, one need cannot be gained at the expense of the other (Human Resource Management... 6). The human resource manager in charge of the corporate office of a large brewing company, and also the manager that I interviewed, is Lori Fulmer. Mrs. Fulmer is the benefits and risk manager of Gordon Biersch. Organization Information Dan Gordon and Dean Biersch founded their first restaurant in Palo Alto in 1988. What began as a single restaurant brewery collaboration soon turned into a chain. A little over two years ago, Trolley Barn Breweries Holding Company, which consists of many Big River Grille restaurants, Rock Bottom, A1A Ale House and Seven Bridges Bar & Grille, purchased the rights to the Gordon Biersch restaurants. The new company still retains the Gordon Biersch name. The two founding members still run the brewery based out of Las Vegas, Nevada. The lucrative merger blends the West Coast brewing style, which uses the unique German style of brewing, with the one of a kind microbreweries of the East. This merger incorporated twenty-five restaurants and two more have opened in the past year. Gordon Biersch corporate offices are responsible for controlling the success that is obtained throughout the restaurant. The total amount of managerial staff is more or less than 225 people. This includes everyone from the CEO all the way down to the corporate staff. The total amount of employees throughout the chain of restaurants and breweries, including the corporate offices, is somewhere ar... ...e implemented and analyzed. The information obtained maximizes the worker’s performance and organizational effectiveness. The audit levels the playing field for evaluations by clearly identifying employee strengths and training needs. After the appraisal has been sent to corporate, merit increases are awarded based on the scoring. Closing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The prevailing notion that I learned from this interview is that an employee is a firm’s most important asset. The Human Resource department controls the well being of the employee and their importance is often underestimated. At Gordon Biersch, the HR department is one of the first places looked at if/when prices need to be cut. If ever I am in a managing position, I now know to respect the worker, first and foremost. Having a strong a committed HR department will assist in achieving this goal. Works Cited Carrell, Elbert, Hatfield. Human Resource Management:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Strategies for Managing a Diverse and Global Workforce. The Dryden Press. Fort Worth, 2000. The Gordon Biersch Webpage   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Vegetarianism :: Healthy Lifestyle Essay

Vegetarianism is a good idea for anyone, whether young or old, healthy or sick. Reasons supporting vegetarianism are inarguable since becoming a vegetarian is scientifically proven to improve one’s lifestyle in several different ways. First and most importantly to many, vegetarianism improves one’s health tremendously. Secondly, it can improve or display one’s spirituality and beliefs. Another reason for changing to a vegetarian lifestyle that most people don’t know is for the ecology and our surroundings. All of the above reasons and many more show that vegetarianism is a wonderful enhancement to anyone’s overall life. Health should be a considerable priority in every individual’s life and vegetarians are proven to be healthier than carnivorous humans in various ways. First, medical studies show that a human being’s body was not made to be carnivorous (for example; humans have no fang s or claws) and because are digestive system was not made to digest meat, a vegetarian diet is much easier and healthier for our bodies. Secondly, as known around the world, the most common cause of death is heart attack and the average man is at a 50% risk while a vegetarian man is at a 4% risk. Another fact most don’t think about is that every one out of three chickens is infected with salmonella bacteria. Speaking of bacteria and disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture implies that it protects meat-eaters through regular and thorough meat inspection while in reality, fewer than one out of every 250,000 slaughtered animals is tested for toxic chemical residues. As a matter of fact, breast mi lk of a meat-eating mother versus a non meat-eating mother is 35 times higher for contamination of milk due to pesticides found in meat. Vegetarianism also prevents cancer by 50%, and prevents heart disease, lowering blood pressure, gallstones, kidney stones, osteoporosis and can even reverses diabetes. Finally, maintaining a vegetarian diet will not only make you physically healthier but will improve your psychiatric health also. In fact, many psychiatrists recommend a vegetarian diet to those with violent anger problems. As provided above, becoming a vegetarian would improve anyone’s health and give all nutrition needed including protein. Many vegetarians do what they do for spiritual reasons and all have much supporting logic behind all the spirituality. Others claim they are spiritual people who are compassionate but how can one who eats meat be so with the knowledge of the suffering animals whose pain are beyond calculation? Vegetarianism :: Healthy Lifestyle Essay Vegetarianism is a good idea for anyone, whether young or old, healthy or sick. Reasons supporting vegetarianism are inarguable since becoming a vegetarian is scientifically proven to improve one’s lifestyle in several different ways. First and most importantly to many, vegetarianism improves one’s health tremendously. Secondly, it can improve or display one’s spirituality and beliefs. Another reason for changing to a vegetarian lifestyle that most people don’t know is for the ecology and our surroundings. All of the above reasons and many more show that vegetarianism is a wonderful enhancement to anyone’s overall life. Health should be a considerable priority in every individual’s life and vegetarians are proven to be healthier than carnivorous humans in various ways. First, medical studies show that a human being’s body was not made to be carnivorous (for example; humans have no fang s or claws) and because are digestive system was not made to digest meat, a vegetarian diet is much easier and healthier for our bodies. Secondly, as known around the world, the most common cause of death is heart attack and the average man is at a 50% risk while a vegetarian man is at a 4% risk. Another fact most don’t think about is that every one out of three chickens is infected with salmonella bacteria. Speaking of bacteria and disease, the U.S. Department of Agriculture implies that it protects meat-eaters through regular and thorough meat inspection while in reality, fewer than one out of every 250,000 slaughtered animals is tested for toxic chemical residues. As a matter of fact, breast mi lk of a meat-eating mother versus a non meat-eating mother is 35 times higher for contamination of milk due to pesticides found in meat. Vegetarianism also prevents cancer by 50%, and prevents heart disease, lowering blood pressure, gallstones, kidney stones, osteoporosis and can even reverses diabetes. Finally, maintaining a vegetarian diet will not only make you physically healthier but will improve your psychiatric health also. In fact, many psychiatrists recommend a vegetarian diet to those with violent anger problems. As provided above, becoming a vegetarian would improve anyone’s health and give all nutrition needed including protein. Many vegetarians do what they do for spiritual reasons and all have much supporting logic behind all the spirituality. Others claim they are spiritual people who are compassionate but how can one who eats meat be so with the knowledge of the suffering animals whose pain are beyond calculation?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Care Of Patients Health And Social Care Essay

In this assignment, I shall choose a patient from my arrangement, this will be backed with a principle for my chosen patient. This will besides do reference of the importance epidemiological information, within this I will show an apprehension of the aetiology of common long term conditions. I will exemplify the nursing model used and physical, psychological and societal appraisal of my selected patient. In relation to the appraisal this will besides include the needed attention of patient being discussed. I have selected a patient from a South London Healthcare Trust. In order to keep confidentiality anonyms have been used to protect the patient ‘s individuality. The ( NMC ) emphasises that we as nurses, must esteem people ‘s rights to confidentiality CHECK ( 2008 ) . Mr B is 51-year-old adult male. He works as a bricklayer on a edifice site. He has two boies whom are aged 21and 25. He is separated from his married woman who is the biological female parent to his two boies, and now has a new spouse. His avocations are ; reading, socializing, and disbursement clip with his boies. Mr B is a really pleasant gentleman who enjoys his life, and makes the most out of it. Mr B admitted to gorging on intoxicant occasionaly. Mr B became dependent on intoxicant, and was diagnosed with alcoholic liver disease in 2006. After go toing many support groups, which helped him a great trade, he became clean and free of intoxicant dependence. Sadly, his Dendranthema grandifloruom lost her conflict to malignant neoplastic disease his Dendranthema grandifloruom. Intelligibly, Mr B found this difficult to cover with, and accordingly turned to alcohol as a header mechanism.EpidemiologyI feel that alcoholic liver disease ( ALD ) is going progressively common in acute infirmary scenes, this may be due to the immense addition in orgy imbibing. Harmonizing to ( NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries, intoxicant abuse in England is prevailing, 33 % of which are work forces, and 16 % of adult females, which may hold damaging affects to their wellness. ( EBP ) . I believe my chosen subject will assist both my hereafter practise and my ain apprehension of ( ALD ) . ( ALD ) is highly common in England. Approximately 90-100 % of people who drink the exceeded recommended bound have alcoholic fatty liver disease ( National Health Services Choices 2009 ) . These statistics single-handedly are highly high, which accordingly means that Mr B is immense hazard of roll uping ( ALD ) . It is known that every bit much 1 in 5 people who drink, will develop liver cirrhosis ( NHS Choices 2009 ) . Immediately this places Mr B at an unmeasurable hazard of roll uping liver cirrhosis, as he was chiefly admitted to hospital with inordinate ingestion of intoxicant. It has been found that work forces are more likely dice from liver disease, this may be because their intoxicant consumption is much greater than adult females. However, this demonstrates that Mr B ‘s hazard of mortality is going peculiarly refering. The mortality rate of alcoholic liver disease has risen by over two-thirds ( 69 % ) in the past 30 old ages, which makes intoxicant one of the most common cause of decease, together with high blood force per unit area, and smoke. This is a significantly high addition in the figure of deceases related to alcoholic liver disease. Subsequently, this contributes to many factors associating to Mr B ‘s alcoholic liver disease, it is evident that his mentality is highly hapless harmonizing to these statistics. Evidence has been found that there is a high prevalence in developing liver cirrhosis in people age 40 or over. Furthermore, as Mr B is over the age of 40, which indefinitely shows he is a high hazard of developing liver cirrhosis. As there is a high prevalence of grownups who consume intoxicant in ( U.K ) , every bit much 90 % ( REF ) . This entirely does non stand anybody in good position, allow entirely Mr B as he has a history of intoxicant abuse. There appears to be a immense spread in recognition of the day-to-day benchmark, and if people measure there alcohol units ( National Statistics 2006 ) . Mr B ‘s deficiency of instruction demonstrates that is unable to construe how much he is advised to imbibe, which may hold led to his inordinate imbibing. 1 in 16 people are admitted to hospital with intoxicant related unwellnesss ( ref2 ) It is known that greater intoxicant consumed, the higher hazard of unwellness, such as oesophageal malignant neoplastic disease, which increases significantly one time the intoxicant consumption exceeds more than 3 drinks per twenty-four hours ( NICE/Health Development Agency 2005 ) . Mr B ‘s old consumption of intoxicant indicates that may be a possible hazard to oesophageal malignant neoplastic disease. This presents a secondary hazard to him as he already has ( ALD ) .Q.1 AssessmentAny intervention and care given must be given with the patient ‘s ain demands and penchants should be taken into history. A patient with an acute unwellness should be made cognizant that they have the right to do informed determinations about the attention that receive, together with their health care professionals. However, if a patient does non hold the mental capacity to do determinations themselves ( Dep artment of Health 2001 ) . Nursing is to advance wellness, mending, growing and development, and to forestall disease, unwellness, hurt, and disablement. When a individual becomes sick or handicapped, nursing is guaranting that a individual ‘s hurt and agony is kept to a lower limit, and enable people to grok and to cover with their unwellness or disablement, its intervention and effects. When decease is foreseeable, the rule of nursing is to guarantee that the best quality of life is maintained until its terminal ( 2003 ) . An appraisal is a methodical, purposeful and synergistic procedure that strengthens every characteristic of nursing attention ( Heaven & A ; Maguire 1996 ) . This is where a both nurse and patient indentify the patient ‘s demands and anxiousnesss, whereby individualized attention is given. Roper-Logan-Tierney theoretical account specifically for nursing is widely used in pattern throughout the United Kingdom, it is besides used in many nursing schools, which demonstrates the relation between theory and pattern in nursing ( Roper et al 2000 ) . Although all 12 Activities of day-to-day life ( ADL ) are every bit of import when measuring a patient, I shall merely do reference of a few due to the limited sum of words. Mr B Obs Initially B ‘s external respiration was absolutely within normal scope. However, as his status deteriorated his external respiration was compromised. It was inevitable that he required O therapy, to assist help his external respiration. In order for his lungs to have sufficient sum of O ( o2 ) , it was of import he was sat vertical. His respiratory rate was 35 breaths per minute. The deepness was hapless, which was apparent due the fact of the attempt he used to take a breath in and out. Royal Marsden CHECK It is cardinal that patients observations are obtained on the initial appraisal or at the clip of their admittance, which will assist place any important alterations their observations. ( Nice 2007 ) . Elimination is another activity of day-to-day life, which I felt was compromised. Mr B had a urine catheter, to help him with go throughing piss, and so we could detect his end product closely. Fluid balance is critical when a patient is acutely ailing, it is of import that this is observed ( ref ) . Mr B was able to travel to the lavatory independently on admittance to infirmary. As he became acutely ailing, this became more of a battle, and he was unable to make this himself. I felt his self-respect was compromised due to his illness/condition deterioration. However, I managed to keep this to the best of my ability, esteeming his self-respect throughout my clip caring for him. The Nursing and Midwifery Council ( NMC ) emphasises that we as healthcare professional must handle people who we care for as persons and esteem their self-respect ( 2008 ) . This meant that he was unable to extinguish independently, which accordingly diminished his independency. In order for Mr B to recover his mobility, we had to chiefly handle his ( ALD ) , so he could so reconstruct this. Harmonizing to ( NMC ) It is critical that we support people in our attention, guaranting they care for themselves, in order to heighten and keep their wellness ( 2008 ) . I felt that Mr B ‘s mobility was another ( ADL ) which was doing a immense concern. As Mr B was in the acute stage of his ( ALD ) he became encephalopathy, which caused his mobility to diminish ( ref ) . His reduced mobility was holding a knock on consequence on his independency, doing him to go farther down and withdrawn. Mr B ‘s physical wellbeing was doing a immense concern. His hepatic brain disorder induced by the harm to his liver, which depleted his mobility. Hepatic brain disorder is a neuropsychiatric, whereby the liver has been harm due to inordinate imbibing. In hepatic encephalopathy ammonium hydroxide is non being converted into carbamide, which should usually be excreted by the kidneys, accordingly it so enters the systemic circulation ( Zimmaro & A ; Sawchuk, 2004 ) . Ref med n surg Consequently to Mr B holding alcoholic liver disease, he had oesophageal varices. This is whereby a composite of Byzantine venas at the inferior terminal of the gorge, are enlarged and swollen as a consequence of the portal high blood pressure. If left untreated Mr B may be capable to an oesophageal or stomachic variceal rupture, which may do hypovolemic daze ( ref ) . HB As Mr B has portal high blood pressure, this means he is a high hazard of a Gastrointestinal bleed ( GI Bleed ) . A ( GI ) bleed is where portal high blood pressure occurs when there is an obstructor in the intra- or extrahepatic circulation ( REF ) . Psychologically I feel that Mr B ‘s physical demands were been depleted due to his chronic condition/illness. On admittance to infirmary, Mr B was highly malnourished, dehydrated and presented with self-neglect, which was provoked by his overly imbibing. Harmonizing to Maslow ( 1943 ) , these are all basic physiological demands. Mr B had late lost his Dendranthema grandifloruom to malignant neoplastic disease, which led to imbibing intoxicant overly. He felt he ne'er grieved decently, or spoke to anyone about his loss. I feel that this was a important contributing factor to his backsliding. Ref bereaves ) . Prior to his mourning he had been clean and free of intoxicant. Attending a support groups for alkies, such as alcoholic anon. may hold prevented his backsliding * ( REF ) . Consequently, this may hold helped him to get by with the loss of his Dendranthema grandifloruom, and assist beef up his ability to get the better of his alcoholic dependence. Mr B feels that he is socially excluded from society as he has been unable to work due to his illness/condition. As a nurse, it is cardinal that I help in back uping him, so he feels included in society, which may be done so by reffering him to an occupational healer. ( OT ) consume Whilst measuring Mr B, he disclosed that when he was turning up his pa consumed intoxicant overly. He feels that this had a immense impact on him, act uponing him follow his pa behaviour. It is known that if a people have parents ‘ who misuses intoxicant, so they have greater hazard of following these traits ( ref ) . Preventive steps will assist ease Mr B in act uponing his kids from following his drinking civilization. Socio-economic background may hold immense deduction in the execution of the effects of inordinate ingestion of intoxicant. I feel that this may be a immense barrier for Mr B to hold on the constructs of the damaging effects of intoxicant abuse. As a health care it is critical that I simplify the possible long term wellness effects of inordinate intoxicant comsumption. ( Ref )Q3.Required attentionAt present, there is no national service model ( NSF ) for liver disease patients. The primary attention trusts view in liver patients, is that they are non a immense precedence. Specialists stressed that liver patients are being left out on National Health Service ( NHS ) financess, which means that they will be at greater hazard ( REFFFBBC ) . However, there is National Institute Clinical ( NICE ) Guidelines in topographic point in order to assist supply quality attention to those enduring with ( ALD ) . Shaw et al indentified an assessment tool for patients enduring with intoxicant backdown, which establishes the badness of their backdown, and what appropriate intervention is required ( 1981 ) . The assessment tool used is the Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol Withdrawal ( CIWA-A ) , which is scored Mild-20.4, Moderate 24.2, and Severe 29. In regard to the appraisal tool, Mr B had a assortment of the typical backdown symptoms, which were ; shudders, sudating, hallucinating, and agitation, which meant he scored 20 & gt ; .Nonetheless, this presented a important hazard, if left untreated may take to complications. Mr B was treated as per protocol, which is ; Librium is benzodiazepine minor tranquilizers drug, which is used for short-run anxiousness, and should non be used long-run ( bnf 2010 ) . Harmonizing ( NICE ) guidelines the protocol intervention for anxiousness is 10 mgs Three times daily ( TDS ) , and may increased if necessary to 60-100 mgs daily in divided doses. The dosing government is a fixed dosage, get downing on twenty-four hours one at 20-30milligrams ( MGS ) four times daily, twenty-four hours two 20-30mgs three times day-to-day, twenty-four hours two 20-30mgs twice daily, and twenty-four hours four 20-30mgs one at bedtime. There is besides a symptoms triggered dose as required ( PRN ) , this depends on the badness of the symptoms. Benzodiazepine acts on receptors in the cardinal nervous system ( CNS ) to originate the action of gamma-aminobutyric acid ( GABA ) , which is a neurotransmitter. ( GABA ) receptors have at least two benzodiazepine receptors, which are named BZ and BZ2, when stimulated they enhance the repressive action by the ( GABA ) ( Alan et al. 2004 ) As Mr B ‘s brain disorder was impacting his degree of consciousness, it was significantly of import that we carried out his neurological observations. Neurological observations is whereby an appraisal and rating of an person ‘s unity and map of an person ‘s nervous system ( Rowley & A ; Fielding 1991 ) .CHECK WEB His status has meant that he is temporarily paralyzed, doing his musculuss to weaken, decreasing his physical strength. As a consequence he may potentially necessitate physical therapy. ( ref ) Education can be An probe that may be done to discourage if there is any obstructor in the portal venous system is an angiography, which establishes the cause and site of obstructor. It is besides critical that Mr B has an endoscopy, which will uncover gastro-oesophageal varices. It is of import that Mr B ‘s haemoglobin is closely monitored, this will bespeak if there is any signifier of bleed or obstructor ( Miller et al 2006 ) . PHARM Ascitess is another clinical manifestation of hepatic cirrhosis. It is where serous fluid is repeatedly produced in the peritoneal cavity.. This is when an accretion of fluid in the abdominal pit enters quicker than it can be returned to the circulation by the capillaries and lymphatics. If this is left untreated, the accretion of fluid will compromise Mr B ‘s critical variety meats, doing it hard for them to map. One of the mechanisms of ascites is hypoalbuminemia, whereby the liver is unable to synthesise albumen. It is of import this fluid is drained from the abdominal pit. There are two interventions which are used to run out this extra fluid. One is, an anti-diuretic called spriolactone, which is a loop water pill. Ref bnf This is done so by the interpolation of an ascitic drain. ref Anderson et al defines that the disposal of whole blood or any of its constituents into the blood stream, to rectify or handle any clinical abnormalcies ( 1994 ) . Mr B was given Human Albumin Solution ( HAS ) transfusion to modulate is hypoalbuminemia. Harmonizing to the ( BNF ) 20-25 % of concentrated solution of ( HAS ) may be used to obtain a diuresis in hypoalbuminaemic, it is of import whilst a patient receives this plasma replacement, their unstable balance is closely monitored ( 2010 ) . FBC REF Patients with alcohol-related liver disease are frequently malnourished, which accordingly has disadvantageous effects in their endurance ( Mendenhall et al.1984 ) KEISER MODEL As intoxicant abuse is going a immense load on the national wellness service ( 2000 ) . NICE guidelines stated that when such patients present themselves to hospital, it is of import that they are referred to the appropriate health care professional, which will guarantee they receive equal support ( 2010 ) . On admittance Mr B was referred to the intoxicant specializer nurse ( ANS ) , who deal with the intervention, after attention, and followup. Mr become nutritionally depleted as a consequence of his intoxicant liver diease, it was indispensable that was introduced some signifier of nutrition. ( Lechtenberg & A ; Warner ) states that Nutritional support must be offered, and see implementing a nasogastric tubing eating ( NG ) ( 1992 ) . KIASER MODEL The Kaiser theoretical account is to assist guarantee that there is a strategic and systemic attack towards those with ( LTC ‘s ) . It focuses in instance direction on the most vulnerable people with ( LTC ‘s ) . Mr B degree of attention is disease specific direction, which is ( flat 2 ) , this encompasses tracts and protocols. As mentioned earlier in the assignment there is presently no ( NSF ) for people with alcoholic liver disease. However, there are ( NICE ) guidelines to help in supplying attention for people with ( ALD ) . Mr B was populating independently prior to his admittance, with no input from multidisciplinary squad ( MDT ) . Planing the discharge on Mr B meant I had to look at the wider facets of his illness/condition. I feel that the execution of societal services would be highly benifical to Mr B. A referral to a liver nurse specializer I feel that Mr B would profit from a support group such as alkies anon. , which may assist diminish his hereafter admittances to infirmary. The Alcohol Needs Assessment Research Project ( ANARP ; Department of Health, 2005 ) identifies three classs of alcohol-use upsets. The clinical grounds reappraisal showed that benzodiazepines were more effectual than placebo for the bar of craze tremens and intoxicant backdown seizures26. The mean cost for handling patients with AAW across all trusts in England and Wales was estimated to be ?219 per in-patient day181. Acute intoxicant backdown hypertext transfer protocol: // barr A. Drink: a societal history London 1998? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ref orford j. inordinate appetencies: psychological position of dependences 2nd edition chichester: wiley 2001 hypertext transfer protocol: // You must back up people in caring for themselves to better and keep their wellness Shaw JM, Kolesar GS, Sellers EM, Kaplan HL, Sandor P. Development of optimum intervention tactics for intoxicant backdown, I: appraisal and effectivity of supportive attention. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1981 ; 8:382-389. British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. British National Formulary. 58 erectile dysfunction. London: United kingdom: BMJ Group and RPS Publishing ; 2009. DO NOT REF BELOW hypertext transfer protocol: // id=q4qMwXJm4iwC & A ; pg=PR13 & A ; dq=Roper+N+etal+ ( 1996 ) +The+elements+of+nursing+a+model+for & A ; hl=en & A ; ei=BPYDTfPxJoyU4gbfwsWTCg & A ; sa=X & A ; oi=book_result & A ; ct=result & A ; resnum=1 & A ; ved=0CDMQ6AEwAA # v=onepage & A ; q & A ; f=false Fatty liver disease is reversible. If you stop imbibing intoxicant for two hebdomads, your liver should return to normal. Alcoholic liver disease is widespread in England. It is estimated that: 90-100 % of heavy drinkers have alcoholic fatty liver disease oneA in fourA drinkers with fatty liver disease will develop alcoholic hepatitis one in five drinkers with fatty liver disease will develop cirrhosis A heavy drinker is person who on a regular basis exceeds the recommended hebdomadal bound for intoxicant ingestion. This isA 3-4A units of intoxicant a twenty-four hours for work forces, andA 2-3A units for adult females. Womans are more likely to develop alcoholic liver disease, but work forces are more likely to decease from it, perchance because work forces tend to be heavier drinkers. In 2008, there were 4,764 deceases in England and Wales due to alcoholic liver disease. Three-fourthss ofA these were work forces. Death ratesA linked to alcoholic liver disease have risen by over two-thirds ( 69 % ) A in the lastA 30 old ages. This makes alcohol one of the most common causes of decease, along with smoke and high blood force per unit area. Fatty liver disease and hepatitis can develop at any age. Cirrhosis normally develops in people aged 40 or over.A However, instances of cirrhosis have been reported in people of all ages, including adolescents. NHS Clinical Knowledge Summaries, intoxicant abuse. hypertext transfer protocol: // Aped hypertext transfer protocol: // ID=1027 & A ; Pos=1 & A ; ColRank=2 & A ; Rank=1000 Roper N etal ( 1996 ) The elements of nursing a theoretical account for hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Heaven C.M. & A ; Maguire P. ( 1996 ) Training hospice nurses to arouse patient concerns. Journal of Advanced Nursing 23, 280AÂ ±286. International Council of Nursing ( 2007 ) Anderson, K.N. , Anderson, L.E. & A ; Glanze, W.D. ( explosive detection systems ) ( 1994 ) Mosby ‘s medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Dictionary, 4th edition. Mosby, St Louis, MO. Galbraith, A, Bullock, S, Manias, E, Hunt, B & A ; Richards, A92004 ) Fundamentalss of Pharmacology, Second Edition, Essex, Pearson Education Limited hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Mendenhall CL, Anderson S, Garcia PP et Al. Short-run and long-run endurance in patients with alcoholic hepatitis treated with oxandrolone and Pediapred. New England Journal of Medicine. 1984 ; 311 ( 23 ) :1464-1470. Lechtenberg R, Worner TM. Entire ethanol ingestion as a ictus hazard factor in alkies. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. 1992 ; 85 ( 2 ) :90-94